I Cant Help It - I HAVE to Share This Track!!!

Normally I go through and do StoryTrax when it comes to music. However, the music I select for StoryTrax is generally without much in the way of vocals, and while this does an excellent job of offering a background for narrative musing, it doesn't really show off the full gamut of musical tastes I indulge in. I love to share music, and feel that I've limited my ability to do so with my StoryTrax alone.

I've often thought of doing musical reviews, posts that pick apart the layers of songs, or just generally sharing why I love certain styles or tracks. I may still do this at some point, but during a particularly stressful day at work I randomly stumbled across this song, and it changed EVERYTHING. My whole day improved and it's been on repeat ever since then. It perfectly encompasses a glorious energy and brings back so many memories of dancing until well past dawn. Words really do not express how deeply I connect to the energy and memories that this track embodies, so I'll let you listen for yourself. I couldn't help but share it with you all.

Track: We Are One
Artist: Rameses B feat. Veela

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