Holistic Harmonics Session 9: ∞§∞Didgeridoo Sound Healing Meditation at 5:55am Right Before Dawn By The Wood Burning Stove in @gardenofeden∞§∞

I love to play the didgeridoo and truly feel healthier, happier, and more present, not only from playing it, but from listening to it now as I share it here. 

Sound is powerful. Everything vibrates at a frequency. All frequencies have a sound. The power of holistic harmonics is in conscious frequency/sound. 

Many people not only enjoy, but are inspired, relaxed or even healed by sound frequencies. Sound has been used by shamans and various other healers throughout time. Even today, music/sound is one of people's favorite and most sacred  parts of life! 

To keep it raw and real I will be playing without a plan as to what I am going to play, in other words it is totally channeled in the moment. I will also be playing with a didgeridoo I haven't used in quite some time because it is split due to it being dropped by a child while playing it. So I have to hold it very tightly to try and seal the crack and create a sound chamber vacuum to reverb the sound. 

I share this Holistic Harmonics Column as part of The Garden of Eden Newsletter "Eden Chronicles" you can sign up for it for free here if you so desire. 

I suggest headphones, as you will be able to get more into it and the sound will be much more powerful. Take some deep breaths and enjoy the sound flow∞§∞

~*~This week's Holistic Harmonics~*~

Holistic Harmonics Session 9: ∞§∞Didgeridoo Sound Healing at 5:55am Right Before Dawn By The Wood Burning Stove in @gardenofeden∞§∞

Blessings to what activates and nurtures your health and well being~*~

If you desire, you can check out 4 of my Holistic Harmonic Sessions here~

I am now doing 50/50 payout posts simply because the SBD is overvalued at the moment, but I will be converting it all to $teem and powering up of course!

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit. I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!


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