Blues Jam & Techniques [9-14-2016]

I have written a lot of analytical posts about music, but sometimes it is better to explore on your own first. Here is a blues piece I recorded today.

Twelve bar blues uses a modified scale called a blues scale. In its simplest form, it can be created by taking a root note and moving up in these intervals: root, whole + half, whole, half, half, whole + half, whole.

The C blues would be: C, Eb, F, Gb, A, Bb, C. The chords for the 12 bars are taken from the root (Cm), fourth (Fm), and fifth (Gm) of this scale. Like I said. This is in it's simplest form.

I am still learning how to solo, but there are a few interesting techniques or patterns I've learned that can add some signature sounds. The solo I've recorded is played using the same chords as the main part of the blues song (Cm, Fm, Gm).

Note Anchors

One thing you can play during a solo is what I call note anchors. I use one finger to always play C, and the other fingers to play other notes.

You can use you thumb to play the root note and play notes higher up on the scale.

Or you can use your ring finger or pinky to play the root note and the rest of your fingers lower down the scale.

You can use the root as an anchor or the b7 note which is Bb in C blues.

Scale Stacks

For tension you can slowly add notes from the C blues scale.

Whole + Half Scale Substitution

You can switch to the major scale that is a Whole + Half step away up the root note. For C blues, that would be Eb major scale.

Chromatic Runs

For some added fun, you can clown around and play every half step on the keyboard for a while.

You can also lead into a note you want to play with a smaller chromatic run.


You can play a flurry of note centered around the 4 note. In C blues that would be F. Around the F you can hit the Gb and Eb.

I may have a few more lessons to help with solos or to spice up those vanilla 1 4 and 5 chords.

Check out this post that appreciates John Coltrane's GIANT STEPS.
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