Snookie Hoodie

There comes a time when you realize just how Freaking Darn Lucky you are. Sometimes being lucky has to hit you in the face. Sometimes being lucky sneaks up on you and takes you by surprise.

No matter how it happens, when it does for me, it makes me realize all the bad things in my life that happened were worth it just for a day like yesterday.

Most of the people I know are going through some rough times lately. I think we can all agree we need REAL Spring to come fast before we all just lay on the ground and plain just give up.

I was down in Discord yesterday and a beautiful friend of mine was asking me to throw a tomato in her face to wake her up. As you can imagine much laughter ensued. When laughing and goofing around, I had told @Brisby how I have been trying to practice singing rap.

Okay..........I'll wait.......done laughing yet? No? okay, I will wait some more.........

Now my voice can do many things but mean rapping just doesn't seem to be one of them. I have been told by another great friend, @inthenow, that Rap songs need a ............. well not HAPPY music, I think is how he put it! 😁

@enginwitty has been very nice too, in the fact that when I told him I really didn't know any music after 1980....he only laughed a little? Then he gave me some old school rappers names to listen to.

The last two days, that is what I have been doing, listening to rap songs. Yes, Hubby thinks I'm a tad nut's but let's not even go there. That's twenty posts for another day!

Yesterday was also @simgirl's birthday.

We finally got to talk for a few hours late last night.

When I missed our show, Sim Your Life, on Tuesday I really missed @simgirl's and my time to catch up with each other for two hours each week. Being able to talk with her on her birthday was an added bonus too! It's wonderful when you have a friend that you can just gab away with and just be yourself.

So my day yesterday was the best anyone could ever ask for.

I am lucky beyond belief in the friends that I am surrounded by and how they always make me feel so a good way.......well, sometimes........they are not all Saint's or anything and I even have to admit I'm pretty easy to pick on. 😂

Now to the best part!

While throwing tomatoes back and forth with @Brisby she started to write a rap song about me. We even came up with my rap name Snookie Hoodie. Yes, it brings terror into the hearts of many when they hear that name being said.

Between the two of us, this is the song that was written on the fly.

Snookie Hoodie

Yo, yo, yo, I'm Snookie Hoodie and all you gangstas better lookie.
Cause when I drop these rhymes, your words ain't gonna be worth the time.
Don't be hatin on my brand, just cause you losers can't stand,
the way I'm rollin round, caring not for the shit abound.

Hmm...are you going to be a sweary rapper?

See what I says is real and all you fakers can't deal.
Step on back son, let me show,
these basics that you oughta know.

It ain't easy, day and night, givin to this empty blight.
Gotta fill, gotta chill, best be doin without a pill.
Hittin the wall, take your fall, gotta get back up givin it your all.

I make up my own rules cuz I don't know 'nother way.
Work'n so far.

You think I'm caring to be a toe tapper?
Kissin bootie on a fame flapper
Nah ..those flavors ain't what I'm tastin.
My time's too precious to be wastin.

Gotta be real, gotta be me, makin' it worth all you to see,
that this life may be all there is, and we gotta make the most of this.

Keep your subtle, keep your plain, keep your fakery, all in vain.
Do it now, do it right, knock that ball clear outa sight.
Cause if there's just one Go then this boss is gonna show!

That any call, big or small, can be done, when you give your all.

There is no way, no matter what they say, to do you any other way.
So listen to Snookie Hoodie and keep bein' you!
And let those haters be wishin they could too.

~Brisby & Snook

I went on to record the song. Went to go find music to go with it so everyone could hear how Really Freaking Smart Brisby is to be able to write a rap song on the fly like that. She said I helped and told me she would show me screenshots if I didn't put my name in the lyrics too. I did to make her happy but really she did all the work.

From there I did a very great job of messing it all up and asked @inthenow to come to my rescue to see if he could fix the sound on the new song. He did and did such a GREAT job! Great friends are so wonderful to have!!

I then went to Rift and to get some video footage of one of my toons in an old Guild Dimension @simgirl and I helped build years ago.

The video below is so, so very special in the fact that if not for the wonderful friends I have, I would never have even thought of doing the video below.


I had a great time making it and I hope you enjoyed watching it too!

Thank you, everyone, for being as wonderful as you all are and bringing so much joy into my life!

More surprises will be coming soon too! Yesterday was a very creative day!



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