I'm not supposed to post this here.... BUT... He won't mind...

No I am not supposed to post this particular picture here..... BUT....Since my dear boyfriend doesn't trawl steemit much ( or at all ) I don't think he will mind. It's not that the picture is in anyway inappropriate, it is just that he wanted to post it on facebook himself. Not such a big deal after all... Did i just click bait you? It wasn't on purpose... Okay it kind of was.

But now that you're here.... This is supposed to be a "Hello, i'm new to steemit and this is how I plan to use it to conquer the world post." Sadly it will not be a post about the possibility of world domination via steemit. I lack the pioneering spirit that some of you steemers have. For me, this is a great way to be involved in the sort of platform that I hope, in time, will become more popular. The good news is, I think i have enough for a pretty good, general "Hello! It's me!" Post.

I actually found it difficult to write this as, it's incredibly difficult to sum up exactly what it is I do, let's not even get into the question of "And who are you anyway?"... It took me weeks to draft up a mini biography for steemit. Doesn't matter. I've dumped the mini biography in favour of a short (kind of short) list of things. Things i do for money. Things i do for fun. And things I just do.... to like... procrastinate and stuff.

My Mini List of Me Stuff that invloves $$!

  1. I co-own an underground night club in Malaysia called under9kl(.com) ... mostly techno.
  2. I co-own a small group of restaurants, also in Malaysia
  3. I used to be the most awesome cake maker in the city (links below)
  4. I used to write scripts for childrens television
  5. I'm writing a book (fantasy)
  6. I used to be a magazine model.
  7. I used to work as a sushi waitress.
  8. I used to work in film production (on the lowest rung)
  9. I used to design interior furnishings.
    10- Nope.... i can't think of tenth one.

So that's all the stuff that i've done or am doing in my life that I would consider work. But what about the rest? Yes, there's more. Unfortunately there's never more time to do it all in!

My Not so Mini List of Me Stuff that I do for Me/Fun.

  1. I have 6 cats
  2. I write poetry (looking into publishing it)
  3. I used to make electronic music. (I would LOVE to get back into that)
  4. I take photos of.... whatever it is amature photographers take photos of. (Puppies for example)
  5. I am an irrepressible crafter. If you need someone to turn old bags into a chandelier, I'm your man!
  6. I write stories (see point 2)
  7. I travel (only because i'm dating a travelling DJ)
  8. I sing in the bathroom.
  9. I live in between two countries. Germany (blame my boyfriend) and Malaysia (blame my mother)
    10- I read, a lot.
    11- I wear strange things on my head.

    12- I make masks

If you've gotten this far, you're probably wondering .... "And?" .... well I did say it was just a general hello. It's impossible for anyone to sum themselves up in a few paragraphs and if I take longer I may have to add "Boring people to death" as the 11th thing I do.

My big plans for steemit!
I don't have any. I'm not planning on changing my life or the world, or even my world for or because of steemit. That being said, I DO plan on incorporating it into my life, and I hope that I can do that successfully. Steemit, and similar concepts are the best chance we have of creating opportunity in an environment that is close to a meritocracy. I like that. I really do.

Please to meet you!
Soraya Putra

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