Music- The Art of Sound by Steemit-Life

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Music. The wonderful world of music. A lot of people refer to It as the "Soundtrack of our lives." And rightfully so. There are certain songs that when you hear them, can take you back to a certain memory. Maybe you heard a "Funny clown" song at the circus, while you were eating popcorn. So everytime you smell "Popcorn", It reminds you of the "Funny clown" song. Or possibly, you remember your class graduation song. (Pomp and Circumstance) Perhaps, it was the nervous feeling when you heard "Here Comes the Bride" as your beautiful bride walked down the aisle. Unfortunately, you may have heard a song at a funeral for the death of a loved one. These are all examples of music. But what makes music so special? What makes it have such a "Surreal" feeling to us. Could it be the emotion behind the songs? Or maybe the backstories to the songs themselves? Our location where we hear this sonic information? It could be a combination of ALL these things. But, there Is one element that might actually surprise you. And that Is the actual "Sound." We first, must analyze what "Sound" really Is. The answer, might actually surprise you! So here we go:

What Is Sound

Sound, Is a vibration that passes through the air or object, that reaches your ears. It Is simply a invisible wave. If you were to throw a rock into a pond, you would see a ripple effect with waves. You would see them spread out thru the water in a formation, one after the other. Well, the same Is true of a "Sound Wave." The only difference Is that instead of traveling and seeing It In the water, It travels through the air! So In this instance, the medium would be the water. A medium, Is anything that the sound uses to travel though. A medium uses three elements. A solid, liquid, or gas. (like air) But here Is an interesting thought: Sound does NOT exist unless It travels through one of these mediums! It needs one of these to function. That Is why sound cannot travel In Outer Space. Space Is considered to be a vacuum. So therefore, It consists of nothing to transfer sound thru it. Didn't know you were going to be In "Science" class today. huh!?? lol

Why Is Sound Important?

Well, It Is Important for a number of reasons, but we'll touch on two major ones:

  • Communication
  • Survival

Sound, Is used everyday by people, and animals to communicate. Talking, Is a form of communication. Communication Is a form of sound. That sound represents Information. If I call my friend up on the phone and ask him to stop at the store for snacks before he comes over, the sound of my voice represents communication of Information. Or, If your Boss tells you to complete a Important project by a certain time frame, he's using sound as a control mechnism. It's sound control because If you do not finish the project on time, you could be fired! (So listen and get your work finished lol) Or maybe, that sound Is being used to communicate a relationship coming to an end by a lover that has been cheated on. Then sound, I'm sure, would not be used In a very positive way! So there are many ways It can be relayed. But, that communication could represent anything. Here Is a list of a few:

  1.  Love
  2.  Hate
  3.  Goals
  4.  Plans
  5.  Sadness
  6.  Anger
  7.  Lust
  8.  Pleasure
  9.  Laughter
  10. Secrets

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Sound, Is also used for survival. For humans, and animals. Certain sounds mean certain things. For example, If you are on the road driving, and you hear an ambulance siren behind you. That siren triggers "Emergency" In your brain. Immediately, you should pull over! The sound has been conveyed to you as danger approaching. Someones life may hang "In the balance." And It Is Imperative that you cooperate with that sound. Maybe a police siren, or a firetruck siren as well. ALL transferring Information thru communication of sound. Animals also use sound for survival. Animals use sound to "feel" out their environment. Say you happen to be walking In the desert. And all of a sudden, you hear a "Rattlesnake." The sound of their rattle, Is to warn approaching predators that might be a risk, or threat to them, to go away! (So if you hear a rattle of a snake, I suggest you run the other direction!) lol But some animals, that live underwater in the ocean definitely rely on sound for survival. Sunlight only hits the top of the ocean water. So many of the animals can't see In deep water. They have to rely on their sense of auditory perception. (Many animals also use the temperature of the water to gauge In-coming danger as well) Sound, In this case, means literally life or death! How Important Is sound? VERY!!!

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Don't Take Sound For Granted!

We've covered the many situations In which sound Is used. How It's used, and what are the advantages of hearing. Imagine what It would be like to go even one whole day without hearing anything! Though this whole article Is about sound, I can't forget the people that have hearing impairments. (Or do not have the ability to hear) Such as people who are deaf. And deaf people are just as Important to this world as you and I! Matter of fact, one of the greatest composers of music to ever have lived was deaf! You might have heard of him...Ludwig Van Beethoven. (Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata, Symphony No.5) Hence, this should make you grateful that you get to experience each and every sound you hear. Everything from a pen drop, to typing on a keyboard, to hearing your Mom yell at you when you were smaller! lol With that being said, think of how it benefits you and your life. You get to hear your favorite songs. (Like "Why Don't You Love Me" available on Itunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify, Tidal, Deezer, Beats and more!  It's under my production name "M5". Shamless promotion...Sorry had to:) You also get to hear the sound of a newborn baby. Or, the sound of a person you deeply love and care about say "I love you." Whatever the usecase for sound, remember that It Is a VITAL part of your communication, and survival here on Earth! So enjoy It!!! Til next time...

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