This time things are going to be different…

“Soon as I get paid, Yeah, we gon' have it made” - from “Money Up” by Trip Lee

Guy Throwing Money Into The Air
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The other day I realized there is something special about music that I should have figured out way before now.

But first let me explain something about my media habits.

As for movies, I have trouble sitting through them.

I have even been known to fall asleep in the theater.

If I watch them at home I will get up and go do something else frequently and not sit still.

I’ve never liked to sit still.

Same thing with most TV shows.

Maybe it’s my small bladder.

When reading books I can take them to the bathroom with me.

Okay, maybe too much information…

Reading takes concentration and therefore I have a better time with it, but not always.

But what does any of this have to do with music?

The thing is with a great book, I may read it twice, perhaps a 3rd time.

Movies, if I actually see the whole thing, I might watch a few times.

But music, ahh... music.

I could listen to a song several times a day.

Sometimes on repeat.

What I realized is that even the most influential movies, books, or other media excluding music, may only be “consumed” by me a handful of times.

Music and specific songs on the other hand, go into my brain exponentially more if I choose.

This might be why songs get stuck in my head.


And all this repeat exposure has an impact.

The messages and words of a song can stick with me the whole day.

One song that I have come to love for its message is “Money Up” by Trip Lee.

Trip Lee - Money Up

I want to take a look here at the lyrics because I find it to be descriptive of what people seem to be caught up with in their financial life.

"Money Up" - Trip Lee

Soon as I get paid
Yeah, we gon' have it made
I put that on everything
I swear, I swear
Soon as I get paid
I'ma flip it two ways
And everything gon' change
I swear, I swear

When I get my money up, when I get my money up
When I get my money up, when I get my money up
Everything will change

I dream of a day when all my guap stacks
My crew ride through with all our tops back
Slide through, buy shoes, no problem cop that
Pay my dues 'til I got that
Childhood wasn't pretty, they give me no love
On the block like I'm Timmy, just tryna post up
Tryna get plenty pennies when I grow up
"Don't nobody make it out of here," they told us
I seen rappers end up in the news
Trappers look fresh down to the tennis shoes
I'm like, "everything they got I want it too
Somebody just tell me what to do"
I started from the bottom, still here
I been tryna rise, something always interfere
But I'ma get this money, get it clear
Then I'ma watch my problems disappear

When I get my money up, when I get my money up
When I get my money up, when I get my money up
Everything will change

Look I finally got that deal that I dreamed of
Big advance in my hands, got my G's up
Got my cheese up, never will I be grey
Got a lake full of money, call it Green Bay
Some are fake acing funny caught I got rich
Need a break from these brokers giving stock tips
Some will take what you get if you don't watch it
But they won't kill my high, I'm in this cockpit
Got expensive taste for cheap thrills
I'm humble, but I'm rich, got a "meek mill"
Might give a girl a ride, call it “free will"
But never take her home twice that's a "refill"
Yeah, it's sweet deal, but I gotta say
If I was rich at Jay, I'd buy a plane and fly away
And soar above lames coming for my cash
Can't wait to upgrade to the mogul class
Wait for me

Soon as I get paid
Yeah, we gon' have it made
I put that on everything
I swear, I swear
Soon as I get paid
I'ma flip it two ways
And everything gon' change
I swear, I swear

When I get my money up, when I get my money up
When I get my money up, when I get my money up
Everything will change

I got a house on a hill
A couple bad broads, and a spouse with me still
More money than I count, what a deal
And I really can't describe how I feel
They say I got it all
But I ain't really satisfied, pockets could be fatter, got desires I ain't gratify
I got it all
Yeah I climbed the ladder, I be tired of paparazzi
But at least they give me alibis
All the dollars in my wallet finna burst through
Mo money, mo problems to work through
Something's missing, that feeling's starting to lurk too
But I got it all so I don't know what pursue
'Cause I finally got paid

Source: AZ Lyrics

When I get my money up, Everything will change…

That is a thought I know I have had.

If only I had more money…

Once I get paid this Friday…

This time things are going to be different…

Soon as I get paid, I'ma flip it two ways, And everything gon' change…

But it never did.

Have you ever felt the same way?

There has only been one thing I did with my money that has ever made it change from how it was going to how it is now.

It is the most contradictory thing I could even think of about money.

I give it away.

As much as I possible can and then a little bit more too.


Jesus Christ.

The thing is that I am a Christian.

And I have not always given my money to God in the way that He ask us to trust him with.

Actually, what I learned is that it was never my money to begin with.

It was His.

If you have a problem with giving to a church, then don’t.

God doesn’t need your money.

He wants your love and for you to trust Him.

“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (ESV)

It took me a long time to get to a place where I was willing to give faithfully to God.

I had a million excuses why not.

I had yet to learn the truth that was before me:

“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”” - Luke 21:1-4 (ESV)

Once I got around to giving, my financial life has changed.

It is by no means perfect and I am still struggling in some ways and paying for past mistakes.

But now I am giving to good causes and trusting God to show me the way.

He has blessed me in ways I could have never imagined and I know that Jesus taught “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Want to know more? Let me know and we can talk about it.

Tune in next time for more great content!


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because “when I get my money up
everything will change...”

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