Our First Post On Steemit - HAPPY NEW YEAR SURPRISE SONG (Original Song)

Hello Steemians =) hola Steemianos

We, the SuperMiaou Team , wish you all a delightful year!
Hopefully, it will be as good as the former one and maybe even better!

To start with the right foot, we recorded this song on New Year's Eve to put it in our very first article on Steemit!

  • Here are the lyrics:

One day the shadows
Went out from our heart
They went so far

And if the light touch me inside
Coming in and going out...
And makes me understand again

Through the wind
and through the rain...

We climbed over the hills
Created by our minds
Hard stones from fear

And if the light touch me inside
Coming in and going out...
And makes me understand again

Through the wind
and through the rain,
That this shiny feeling
Can only expand!

That this shiny feeling
Can only expand!...

This song is really special for us. As I tell you at the beginning of the video, we wrote when we just discovered that we were waiting for our baby to come to this world!
You can see him in the video, enjoying as always :D

The recording was a really spontaneous one-take. You can surely see that we made it with our phone. Please don't mind the cheap quality, we'll soon make a decent one with microphone etc...

Hope you enjoy the song <3 we're looking forward to reading your comments!
Lots of galactic love


Nosotros, el equipo SuperMiaou, les deseamos un exquisito año,
Ojala sea tan bueno como el año pasado o incluso* mucho mejor*

Para empezar con el buen pie, hemos grabado una canción a final de año para ponerlo como** nuestro primer articulo en Steemit**

Arriba están las letras =)

Es muy especial para nosotros esta canción, Como he dicho al principio de vídeo, la hemos escrito cuando hemos descubierto que nuestro bebe llegaría al mundo !
Pueden verlo en el vídeo, disfrutando como siempre :D

La grabación fue una toma-única espontanea. Se ve claramente que lo hemos hecho con nuestro teléfono.
Que les de igual la mala calidad por favor, haremos pronto un otro vídeo mas decente

Ojalá que les guste las canción, esperamos sus comentarios.
muchísimo amor galáctico

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