Ego Death: this is what my music wants to tell about

In these days I published on steemit some of my songs that, as I wrote in the posts, I have composed from when I was 11 to about 16 years old. At first sight the titles might seem meaningless and disjointed from each other, but I can tell you that they have a sense; So I decided to write an article to explain what I want to tell through my music and which is exactly the sense of "Ego Death" collection.


When I was about 18 I decided to select some of the numerous tunes that I composed and to collect them in a sort of an album with the idea of telling a story. So I developed the idea of "Ego Death", a way to narrate some of my reflections about what is, in my opinion, a big problem of how we live in the modern society.

So, the story that it wants to tell is an adventure of a man that reaches a mental condition named "ego death": it this condition he loses his identity and his memories, and everything is new for him, so he acts like if he has just reborn in a new life.
This condition really exists and the most of the time it can be reached by taking hallucinogenics (some people said they reached it without any drugs through meditation, like the Nirvana).
I must say I've never tried it so I can just imagine the situation.
I was studying Nietzsche at school in these years so I linked it to the idea of "Overman", the man that has no prejudices on anything and can see everything how it really is.

However this man will explore the world and will meet others humans, and what he thinks or feels is explained by the titles of my songs.
At the end he will finally wake up from this "trip" and he will regain his memories, without forgetting the experience that he had. So he will find out, by living the old life, that the problems that people have and how the society is created is totally detached from their real nature: animals. During the trip he felt the fear caused by his surviving instinct, he has been fascinated by the beauty of the world and the Universe, he knew how does it feel to be alone, and to find out that he was not: all things that modern people ignore.
So he will decide that, seeing as how his life has become so unlivable because of the these thoughts, the only way to stay in peace with himself is reaching the "ego death" again, and forever.

I know that this current of thinking is not pretty "optimist" and there are lot of points to discuss, but I think that it is exciting to identify myself with the protagonist.

However all the songs are ready to be published and I would like to write a post with all the titles before sharing all them, but I don't know if it's a good idea; let me know what you think about the project and if you would like to know the titles.
Hope you'll enjoy all them :)

These are the links for the first two songs of Ego Death, I would be so grateful if you'll support me with an upvote if you like them:

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