A new composer joining the steemit ranks!! Take a look and listen :)


I decided to join the steemit community and write a line or two about myself. I know this is the right time to say something interesting, super smart and funny to break the ice and get your attention, but unfortunately, I have nothing stored up my sleeve :P

Well, here we go anyway.....

I am a total noob about crypto, blogs, Fb,Yt, twitter, and all that techy stuff in general so hopefully, people won't judge me for my virtual knowledge but for my passion; COMPOSING

My music "career" started when I was about 10 or 11, when for the first time in my life I listened to the great fifth symphony of L.V. Beethoven, the macabre 4 notes at the beginning describing fate knocking on your door, a catchy rhythm, the strikingly dramatic wonderful shades of orchestral color perfectly balanced in a beautiful melody that once u hear it, it cannot be forgotten. A true genius and a legacy to the classical genre that forever changed my way of listening to music............

and then it hit me,

"If he can do it, so do I" i said to myself :)

How naive, arrogant and uneducated I was, thinking that my dream would soon become a reality, been able to write that "perfect" piece of music, that one day could change and enrich someone else's lives with a warm and nice listening experience. Of course, time passed and I soon realized the inevitable; that I am just a little worm at the bottom of the sea, that is trying to survive and crawl back to the top of the food chain :)


Thankfully to crypto and steemit, people like me have a chance to show and share some original work and to be appreciated for it. So, thank u steemit for giving me a chance to spread my music to the word.

Now u are probably bored by reading about my traumatic past so let's proceed to the more pleasurable part of the introduction. Take a cup of tea or red wine, or w/e u like when u are relaxing.

The following composition is called Oblivion (and no, it is not Astor Piazzolla's Oblivion). It is still a work in progress, a very intimate and dark piece of music that originated more than 10 years ago. I totally forgot about it until recently, when I accidentally bumped in it on my old pc and decided to rewrite it. Guess I wasn't satisfied back then and needed time to mature up.

Here we go (i hope this works);

Ps; Sry for my bad English, I haven't written since high school(thank god for the autocorrect thingy :)). Hey, by the way, what is this power up 100% thingy at the right bottom of the corner ????

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