Menhir's Power - Troilo

Exploring the druidic energy.

I went into the deepness of a sacred forest, where the bloody and mysterious druidism rituals were occurring. (sounds cool, heh?) Sacrifices in honor of their divinity, or important characters' burial? We still don't really know.

Some people even say they were the energy network of Europa: An energetic exchange between the Earth and the Cosmos, via the vibratory strength of our ancestors. Furthermore, it could have been used for healing purpose, by people in a state of really advanced spiritual evolution. But do you believe in such things?

There are is a still little know Menhirs' spot not far from my home ("in the deepness of sacred forest" Haha), so I went there to experience it by myself:

I have to say I had some inspiration for motion, but less for music. Some wrong notes and musical incoherencies, but from a certain point of view, imperfection in music can be enjoyable. (Go to the end of the video if you just want to see monkey stuff)

Thank you.<3

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