Poetry, Love and Music - Troilo

Harvesting waves of love in our vibrating reality

Pick a guitar, learn 2 or 4 chords, tame your fingers. Then feel, experience, love, savor one of the gift from the universe by yourself: The life, and its music.

An insignificant European guy, but human with a soul
Thinking of what to buy, with a big love pool
But what can you buy with love?
Just take my heart... But wear some gloves.

You know... My heart is burning in my body: it's a stove
But you could try to cool it down for me? You strove?
In the frozen sea of your cold words
But deep down, we're the same birds

We're vibrating at the same frequency
Trying to read in Cryptocurrency
Experiencing our inner strife
But still loving the music of life

It was my first try at writing some poetry in English, as I'm Swiss Native French Speaker.

Here is my meditation of the day


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