Melodious Music Memoirs # 1: Change The World

Each music piece I release from here on forward is a piece of my life, my mind, my heart and soul for you to view, hear, feel and hopefully you can take something positive from it for your own well being. Lyrics for all my songs will be provided here as well for you to read along with the YouTube link or soundcloud link provided below.

Side Note: Some songs may still be a work in progress but I share my songs to avoid the regret of "what if someone never hears this and it could have gave them inspiration." (Or, God forbid something ever happens to me and I never get a chance to release them)


I used to strive for perfection but sometimes we have to know when to just let it go and share our passions and grow and build from them. And I love live performances because you get to hear what I really sound like and not just the studio perfected version. I don't edit any of my music YouTube videos. Raw and Uncut, is how it should be. If you ever met me in person and asked me to perform, then you would hear the best from me in that very moment. I wrote this song a while back and have improved my performance ability as you will see with future posts.

As a community, we must build each other up and I aim to build you up through my music on a positive level. You may not agree with all my lyrics, but I hope you can learn something or feel something inspiring from them. Stay ready so we don't gotta get ready.

I'll be posting more songs in the near future. Stay inspired everyone.

A big shoutout to my best friend Edgar Miranda for producing some of the most moving and inspirational beats I've ever heard. He is a multi-talented musician, super humble and extremely reliable and patient. We have done music together for 9 years straight and counting. Please enjoy what I share with you. Feedback is always appreciated.

Change The World


Song's Due Credits:
Beat/Instrumental Produced by Edgar Miranda

Mix & Mastering by Edgar Miranda

Verse 1, Verse 2 & Verse 4 Written, Created & Performed by Verbal D

Chorus & Melody Written & Created by Verbal D

Chorus performed in video by Verbal D
(Official Finished Song version will have Edgar's amazing voice also singing in it as well)


Change The World

Verbal D & Edgar Miranda
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Than yesterday (x2)

Verbal D
Verse 1:
So many haters in my observation
I'm gonna find a cure, inoculation
I wanna make music, not confrontation
This feeling I'm dealing with is beyond frustration

But I let my God handle all that hatin'
He's gonna get me even, with the odds I'm facin'
I'm for Jesus Christ, there's no contemplation
I'm a vessel and a trestle, other pods I'm chasin

My obligation to our common nation
Is bring us together with no complication
Why does respect involve concentration?
Get peace and equality through compensation

Everyone's a star in this constellation
You must speak up inside this conversation
What's the world without you? What's the world with you in it?
Pioneer the consultation

Verbal D & Edgar Miranda
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Than yesterday

Verbal D
Verse 2:
Change the world, I'll be the modulation
Peace bringer be my occupation
Let's work together it's the key combination
We can save the world through the acts of conservation

Unite as one, that's our convocation
Once we're together we create a congregation
Love doesn't require indoctrination
And acts from the heart don't need confirmation

Strive for world peace that's my consecration
No "if's" "ands" "buts" about these conjugations
Won't ever give in to negative connotations
My hospitality is bringing all accommodations

Cogitations, my thoughts awaken
This song is waitin' for me to feed it when it's needin' many collocations
Improvisation to find a proper placement
Got my eyes on the prize, sharing love is the consolation

Verbal D & Edgar Miranda
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Than yesterday

I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better

Edgar Miranda
Singing Verse 3:
Not Available Yet

Verbal D
Verse 4:
A smooth positive flow, no coagulation
My lyrics are the pollination of our population
I've been chosen by God's nomination
He created me and that was my inauguration
I am here lead peace, no exoneration
Every one's connected...that's concatenation
Empower each other to define consolidation
Acts of positivity, make a compilation

Why has poverty gone through augmentation?
The people on the streets are evidence, corroboration
Open up your hearts, let's start the operation
Help somebody out when you can, cooperation

Greediness is evil and money's a propagation
Cause when the money talks, it's just a provocation
We gotta fight the man, breaking down conglomerations
Make a difference in the world, with all our proclamations

Verbal D & Edgar Miranda
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better
Than yesterday

I wanna change the world
And make it better
Starting today
I wanna change the world
And make it better

Song Lyrics Copyright by Verbal D

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