Melodious Music Memoirs # 2: Impact

This song is dedicated to my unborn son who will be brought into this world in a matter of days. It could be anytime now when we need to rush to the hospital. I'm truly blessed to have my own family and experience all the wonderful moments of love, learning life lessons and heartwarming memories that it entails. I'm also excited that my daughter Harmony will finally be a big sister soon and will not grow up an only child. Raising a family is not always easy but it's so rewarding throughout the hardships and laughter. Big thanks to my good friend Rico Raicoz for the amazing production beat. We will be working on a future collaboration project album together.

Please enjoy the song.

Song lyrics provided below.

Song's Due Credits:

Beat/Instrumental Produced by Rico Raicoz

Verse 1 & 2 Written, Created & Performed by Verbal D

Chorus Melody Written, Created & Performed by Verbal D


Side Note: If you have a father, or a father figure, call them up and tell them you love them, even visit them. If you are a father, tell and show your children you love them. If you are a father to be, congratulations and enjoy the journey once it begins. :)




Verbal D
Every person that I meet
Every new location that I reach
Tryna make an impact, impact
There's a reason for the things I choose to do, what I say
I'm tryna make an impact
While I still can

Verbal D
Verse 1:
Never wanted to make music where you're lost in my words
I like to map it all out, give directional turns
Take you on another journey if you're willing to learn
So to reach higher degrees we let the temperature burn

Step out your comfort zone, can not be limited, like a hunter drone
You can only go so far, til you're uncontrolled
Overheads to rock bottom, and even under roads
Don't mind the haters, debaters who speak in undertones

Don't gotta try so hard, show non-conformity
It's not a chore to me, the purpose, the music is more than me
Even the music's intentions mean more to me
If you wanna make a wave then you've got to explore the sea

Only original mind, never declining to forgery
So You can feel the passion no magic or sorcery
Captivate an audience, acapella or chorus free
Inspiration-driven lyrics, delivering cordially

Verbal D
Every person that I meet
Every new location that I reach
Tryna make an impact, impact
There's a reason for the things I choose to do, what I say
I'm tryna make an impact
While I still can


Verbal D
Verse 2:
Look at my body of work
It's without a rhyme with a curse
Knowing that my only children will acknowledge it first
So to be a role model, I prepare for the birth
My first son is on his way, to make his mark on the earth

Meteor shower indentations, volcanic craters erupting
The power, yes he can take it, (start) building something constructive
Allowing knowledge to waken, a statement breaking assumptions
Tower the cowards waiting, who blatantly make destruction

Give him a bible, a moral compass, direction
If he ever mirrors me, I pray to God, the best reflection
Cause even me at my best I confess , I see it was not enough
I prevent the damage, and sadness,
Maybe he'll follow up

You care about somebody? Got to see that through
Cause only Love'll open up and never collapse you
We've got to learn from our mistakes and never go back too
So if I can't impact my kids, how can I impact you?

Verbal D
Every person that I meet
Every new location that I reach
Tryna make an impact, impact
There's a reason for the things I choose to do, what I say
I'm tryna make an impact
While I still can (x2)

Song Lyrics Copyright by Verbal D

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