Melodious Music Memoirs # 5: Love, Passion, Passion, Love (Original Song)

Love, Passion, Passion, Love

This will be the first self made classical modern composition instrumental I release. I made this composition "Love, Passion, Passion, Love" <---Please Click Here To Play And Listen right after my wife had surprised me for my birthday, which happens to be New Year's Day Jan 1st, and she had booked us both a trip to Paris, France.

We were able to see many beautiful structures while sightseeing especially the Eiffel Tower, which is quite stunning at night time when it flashes the tens of thousands of mini lights to give it a glittering glow effect.

I was very thankful for the moments we shared during that time.

It was a very sweet and romantic gesture and one of my ways to repay her kind thoughtfulness was to commemorate that memory and her efforts in a orchestrated piece that I created using GarageBand. The instruments I chose were

The Violin


The Piano

I'm no expert at composing music but I taught myself and have always played instruments by ear. Composing this on the computer is similar to the learning experience and I have improved my knowledge of how to map out what I hear and feel over time of trial and error.

GarageBand is not the best music software but it is easy to navigate and this was even the free demo version that comes with the purchase of apple software with your MacBook. I have plenty of other compositions and beats/instrumentals to share but this one has a particular place in my heart. I hope you enjoy the subtleties I wanted to convey.

Thank you very much for reading and listening

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