Līgo (Traditional Latvian Folk Song): NEW MUSIC VIDEO, celebration of Summer, Life, Lammas

Priscilla Hernandez harpsicle - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

This is my new music video Līgo, a Latvian traditional folk song. For the first time I premier an official Music Video here on block chain at the same time I do in all my networks. It's a celebration of Summer, love and life!

Here you can also click to watch it on youtube as well:

Līgo (later Jāņi) is a solar Goddess, fertility and Health. Even if in the song translation it says "Goddes of Darkness and Mist" which was the first thing that drew me to this song as I myself had made a song called "In the Mist". She is derived from the Roman Rosmenta (The Great Provider) and Baltic Goddess Saule.
Līgo is one of the main festivities and women pick flowers and birch branches and make flower garlands to wear in their heads and also bathe like nymphs in ponds and rivers. Men also wear wreaths made of Oak leaves. People celebrate around born fires and it's tradition to stay up all night until dawn. I hope to visit Latvia one day to see, enjoy and experience this tradition. It was my Latvian friend @lindahas who told me about it and encouraged me to do this song. Celebrations with marked pagan roots, and the little pleasures of the rural life by the countryside.
So Linda, thanks very much for introducing me to the music of your country, and this is kind of a belated gift for your Name Day that I know was a few days ago.

Ligo latvian song - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Also in the song another deity Māra is mentioned who is the highest-ranking goddess in Latvian mythology, Mother Earth and "provider of bread". . She is also a protector of women and children related with many ancient folk traditions relating to renewal and fertility.

priscilla Hernandez sunflowers - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com)-5.jpg

Filming the video. A celebration of Nature and Summer

As usual I had the help of my partner @hedac to film, though this time the entire edit is mine and I'm quite proud of the learning process and encouraged to do more of these. Most of the video has been filmed late Spring and this Summer as my surrounding fields have gone from green to golden to celebrate both Summer Solstice and Lammas (Harvest). Locations included the abandoned village of Guendulain that is surrounded by fields and a lovely pond, but also other locations in Navarre and Aragon.
My garland was a birthday gift from my friend and fellow illustrator Lisselotte Eriksson.

We had several animal guests :)

Guest starlet Pikku aka "Cookie Monster" the Duck

zizur - by Héctor Corcín.jpg

There is a little pond in Guendulain (a deserted village in Navarre, Spain) right in Saint James Way we often visit. And there we usually find a fellow duck very fond of cookies. As we have met several times and it grew confident to approach to us (and/or our cookies) we named (him/her) Pikku (Duck in Finn) and filmed several scenes featuring it. This talented bird actor was well paid in treats ;-). The video include also some companions and even baby ducklings (aww factor).


Other guest animals

There was a corn burnting bird on a blackberry bush for over a month... every day on our morning stroll it would greet us. It appears (and also its chick) at several spots of the video. I grew used to see it perched on the same branch always and I'm happy I've captured that memory in the video as well. I will miss you "Pichuichui" until next year where another corn burning bird goes to that branch... or is it you? like the year before? I fancy to think it's you, the one and only. Thanks for making an appearance in this project too.

- by Hector Corcin.jpg

Another special moment that appears in the video was a little deer that approached to me :). Oh it was totally a Disney Princess moment (sorry for my hyper of awwws here)

Priscilla Hernandez and fawn - by Priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Another location included a field of wild Allium in the woods. This is one picture taking "Behind the Scenes"

ligo latvian - by Héctor Corcín.jpg

Special thanks and dedicatory

Dedicated to my friend @lindahas who encouraged me to learn a song in her Latvian native language. Thanks very much for introducing me to the lovely traditional music of your country and for recording a spoken version for me to try my best. I a aware my pronunciation is not perfectbut it was done with utter respect. And I have the feeling it won't be the last Latvian traditional I will sing because you know I'm already in love with another.

Lammas: Celebration of the Harvest

wheat - by Hector Corcin.jpg

It is a period that starts the first of August until the 1st of September in many European countries.
This holiday can be celebrated either as a way to [honor the god Lugh, or as a celebration of the first wheat harvest. t is

Līgo ( A Latvian traditional song)

- by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg


Latvian (Original)

Līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Tumsas māte, miglas māte līgo, līgo,
Aiz ezera velējāsi līgo.
Dun bauzīte, čukst vālīte līgo, līgo,
Ievelk mani niedrājāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Viegli gāju pār ūdeni līgo, līgo,
Kā spārnota gaigaliņa līgo.
Zelta niedri zinādama līgo, līgo,
Viņā krasta galiņāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Nu atbridu, nu atradu līgo, līgo,
Zeltniedrīti nolūzušu līgo.
Jaunu meitu vainadziņi līgo, līgo,
Dučiem vīta krastmalāi līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Tumsas māte, miglas māte līgo, līgo,
Pacel savu villainīti, līgo.
Lai redzēja mīļā Māra līgo, līgo,
Kā niedrīti dziedināti, līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo

English (Translation)

līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Goddess of darkness, goddess of fog līgo, līgo,
Was being purified on the other side of the lake līgo.
Reeds are thundering, flowers with long stalks whispering līgo, līgo,
Their voices tempt me into the shrubs and reeds by the lake līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Lightly I walked over the water of the lake līgo, līgo,
Like a light-winged bird līgo.
I knew a golden reed līgo, līgo,
To be on their side of the lake līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
I shakily reached my destination and found līgo, līgo,
Finding my broken golden reed līgo.
With dozens of young girls wreaths līgo, līgo,
The lakeside was scattered (with them) līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo
Goddess of darkness, goddess of fog līgo, līgo,
Raise your woolen cape, līgo.
So that dear Māra līgo, līgo,
Knows how to heal my reed līgo.
līgo, līgo, lī
līgo, līgo, līgo

Videoclip making of  - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

If you like my videos please consider to subscribe to my d-tube and youtube channels


All photos and video filmed by me and @hedac

Music (Traditional, Latvian Folk song)
Arrangements by Priscilla Hernandez
Voice and backing vocals, Harp, Latvian Kokle, recorder, piano, chalumeau, small percussions by Priscilla Hernandez
Frame Drum performed by Héctor Corcín @hedac
A Kokle is a Latvian plucked string instrument belonging to the Baltic psaltery, also known as kantele (Finland), Gusli (Russia) or Kankle (Lithuania). I play one during the video.



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Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

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