1 month After: From Peace to Chaos, Facing Societal Expectations and Other Musings

Whoops! I'm back from my longest break ever. It's so nice writing another blog post after over 30 days. I've been going on breaks since I joined Steemit but I've never been away this long.

To all those who reached out while I was away, I miss you guys. Steemit has been a major part of my life over the past 1 year. And I look forward to more lovely times with y'all.

Funnily, I've been up to date with information going through the community, the dramas et al. I drop by once in a while to give an upvote or two ; send some tips and say hi to close friends.

I see some unfamiliar faces around now and it's nice to see so many users joining now. I look forward to even more users joining steemit in thousands ....

The next couple of months is going to very hectic as I formally start my adult life but I'm always gonna find a way to fit Steemit into my schedule.

Going Back Home: From Peace to Chaos

2016 was literally the best year in my life. Not only did I discover Steemit, I also left home for the first time in my life. Quite a number of close Steemians knew I was staying alone in another state carrying out the mandatory 1 year service for civilians. I was lucky to be posted to a state that was perfect for my introverted nature.
Serene. Peaceful. Close to nature. With next to no "big city" pollution effects.

Last month, I finally concluded my national service and I had to leave my home for the past 11 months or so to my birthplace. From a state with just 3 million residents to one of the largest urban areas in the world.

It's been fun and hectic re-adjusting to the hustle of this polluted and highly populated city of mine. :(

Facing Societal Expectations

Go to School. Get good/excellent grades. Graduate. Get a nice paying office job. ……..

You get the drift. We've all had these repeated several times to us that we've subconsciously accepted it as the status quo. Parents, Friends, Siblings….Everyone ..Society…. expects you to go through these phases.

What if you decide you ain't cut out for all these? And you ain't gonna allow yourself get stuck in the rut.

I believe that deep down in us, we know these phases ain't the way things should be. But in a way, we've gotten used to everyone going down this pipe that we never want to be the odd one.

I understand some people find really deep satisfaction from going through this route. But for some of us, the traditional education and white collar job system suck.

I love working as a freelancer from home. On ideas I find cool and fascinating … So I expect that if I'm able to earn enough to take care of myself and loved ones, things will be fine. But nah, I get annoying remarks from friends and acquaintances about "how unemployed I am", "when am I gonna get a real job" and "how awkward it is not to go through the normal, soul-killing route they took".

It's all gonna be fine. I believe. Anything Is Possible If One Is Willing to Put In the Work. I also know life sucks sometimes though. :)

A question for you:
What would you like to do if you had no responsibilities/societal expectations to fulfill?

Overcoming Procrastination - An Ongoing Struggle

I remember I made mention of my search for passion and motivation in my last personal post. I think one cannot truly conquer procrastination. It's gonna be a lifelong struggle to get things done.

From research, in a way, procrastination is a nifty way our brain tells us something is not normal. We just have to find a way of deciphering what it is.

This post was a little victory in my ongoing fight with procrastination.


There have been so much info going on in the community and there's so much to catch up with on SteemMag.

I hope to continue it asap. I miss reaching out to awesome people on Steemit and covering important projects going on.

If you've got a Steemian or a Steem Tool you would like to see featured on SteemMag, pls drop by and say hi. I would love to hear from you.

Parting question
What made you smile today?

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