Musings 3: Focus On Your Growth

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Hello Steemians!

We are now in the third session of my Musings! If I may request, please consider my two other musings. You might get something useful from there. Even if you won't, let me just add here the links of the first two sessions:

Musings 1: Read Something Before You Write Something

Musings 2: If You Want to Maximize Your Curation Rewards, Do Not Rely Solely On Curation Trails

In my first two sessions, they're mostly strategies and pieces of advice that could probably help you with your Steemit experience. In this session, it's all about everyone's growth, including mine. This session is not only intended for my followers, but it is also directed to me personally. Growth should be inclusive. In this case, Steemit growth should be for everyone.

Let's hop into the concept of growth. Growth is a process of increasing in size. Size doesn't mean entirely on a physical sense. Other words that denote growth are development and maturity. Other connotations are expansion and reach. In my opinion, our growth here on Steemit could not be measured by our reputation or amount SP that we hold or by the number of our followers alone. They are indicators, but they don't absolutely measure growth. Our growth can only be measured by the attainment of our own objectives as to why we join Steemit in the first place.

Whenever You Feel Stagnant, Go Back To Your First Reason Why You Are Here

We all have our reasons why we joined Steemit. Maybe the most common of all reasons is to earn. Some might say that they wanted to share their experiences, while others wanted to connect and make friends. Depending on your first conviction, all your reasons are valid. No one can take that away from you and no one can point out that your reasons are flawed.

You might have felt that your earnings are way lesser than you deserve. You might have observed that your reputation has increased, but in miniscule intervals. You might have realized that you have been stuck in your own predicament which made you undetermined to write. Those are all valid feelings, observations, and realizations. I felt those, too!

Whenever I feel down, I always tap to my inner motivation as to why I should go on with this blogging thing. I might have shared this in my previous posts, but when Darryll (@legendarryll) introduced Steemit to me, I never hesitated to register. He just said that you will just post and you will have a possibility to earn. I never had a reluctance because my motivation is not to earn. I never thought that we could earn. All I thought that time is that I will be able to share what's in my head and hone my skills in writing at the same time.

Steemit was, is, and always will be my medium and outlet. As long as Steemit will continue to operate, I will always be here; sharing my musings. The idea of earning only came when I did my first cash out. When I was in Cebuana to receive the cash, I had mixed feelings and thoughts. On one side, I was happy because I will have money for Christmas. On the other, I had fears, reservations, and what ifs concerning legality and its repercussions.

Now that earning became integral with Steemit, one should tap their inner motivation to go on. In essence, your first motivation should be intrinsic in nature. That way, you will not stop even if you fail.

Your Growth, Your Pace

You should realize that as long as you continue, you will really grow in this community. Everyone will grow, but in different rates. Your growth rate will depend on your resolve and dedication in this platform.

There might be people who started later than me, but they now have higher reputation than me. It's part of the reality here on steemit. Those who know how to play the game will always be ahead than those who choose to build their Steemit presence religiously.

I have been in the platform since September; back when both STEEM and SBD are both below a dollar in value. Steemit back then was really for content creators. Upvotes were given genuinely. I would say that it's conducive for all. When both STEEM and SBD values jumped from less than a dollar to a few dollars, money becomes a prime motive for most. Everyone became so fixated in themselves and in their earnings that they forgot that they are also content consumers. They wanted everyone to upvote their posts, but they forgot to genuinely connect to people. All they wanted was to make posts, regardless of how crappy they are.

But I don't fret over that. I would say that my growth is at my own pace. I analyze my own behavior. I followed my own pace and instinct. I continue with what I believe to be standards of quality. I never compromise the quality of my posts. A slow and steady growth is better than an exponential growth but died down immediately along the way.

I wanted my Steemit growth to be holistic and integrated to my life outside Steemit. Steemit is just one aspect of my life. I have other areas that also requires my constant attention. I loved how Steemit became my avenue towards financial literacy. The likes of @smaeunabs became my friends because of Steemit and they taught me how to value my hard-earned money.

Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

This is the very essence of this post. I want you to be a grown up by stopping yourself from comparing yourself with others. Those people are not your benchmark. You are your benchmark. You should compete with yourself and not with others. You should focus on attaining your Steemit goals.

I am not exempted from this. I sometimes compare myself with the people I look up. While it's good to have someone you look up to, it will be your burden in the long run. I became tired of chasing them instead of chasing my own dreams.

Never get tired of conditioning yourself to stop yourself from comparing. When you stop comparing, only then you will realize that everyone has their own uniqueness. Everyone has their individuality that makes them beautiful and original.

Embrace Your Insecurities

I am a man of insecurities. I never run out of negative things that I see about myself. I may be good at something, but there's always someone who's better than me. I guess this is what a multipotentialite really feels like, as opposed to specialists. I have no specific talent that I could be proud of, but it doesn't stop me from doing the things that I love.

I always wear my insecurities like a shield. That way, no one can take that advantage and use it against me. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. I tried to work with ways to turn my insecurities into weapons of my own wielding. There are ways to circumvent a certain insecurity and turn it to your advantage.

You have to realize also that the world does not revolve around you. Do not seek for everyone's approval. They also have a life beyond you. Don't think that whatever you want, you will get it. Seeking for everyone's approval will make you more insecure about yourself.

As a parting advice, do not think that you will learn everything in one setting. Steemit requires patience. Numbers don't define growth and maturity. Your attitude towards the community will also matter. Do not compare yourself with others because you don't know what they have been through.

See you in the next Musing!

Kim, @ybanezkim26

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