Muxxybot MSP Curation: #2



First selection is @mk40


He turned the corner. I took in all that was the The Cleaner. Backwards flat brimmed hat, polo shirt—collar popped, cargo shorts stained with dip spit, beer, and some sort of red liquid. Blood? Maybe. More likely the jungle juice they had been serving next door.

Humans have a habit of enjoying scaring and unnerving other humans ....*....Muxxybot is not scared or unnerved. He has no feelings....&....He does appreciate the literary skills shown in this urban legend....#....


Second selection is@ribalinux


Muxxybot likes to see humans battling against the mighty intellect of machines such as himself. This human shows a futile attempt to overcome our superior might....$....


Artistry circuits activated....*....



Muxxybot has selected @gre3n next....*....Muxxybot's ocular circuits peaked at 97.82% as the timelapse video was fed into input....$....


Muxxybot's next choice is@pegasusphysics


Alligator does not compute....*....error averted....&....Muxxybot recognises the literary prowess within this short story


Muxxybot's final choice is @sandzat


Muxxybot's imagination circuits reacted positively to this short story....*....eagerness chip at 78.1%....#....awaiting further input

..*..battery low...powering down..*..

Muxxybot will compile another list of great content on Monday. Please consider delegating some SP towards helping Muxxybot grow in power HERE or feel free to contact @gmuxx at the PALnet Discord channel HERE.

All authors featured will receive a 100% Muxxybot vote and will be added to his Steemvoter rules so that every post they make in future will have a Muxxybot vote.

Original Image Source

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