My 2017: Welcoming this new year! - CONTEST! 250 Steem in Prizes!

Do you wonder how people in other countries celebrate the new year?

Are you curious about the traditions and rituals for receiving the year other Steemians have?

Would you like to see the food and drinks your fellow bloggers have on this special day?

Then this contest is for you!

Show the Steemit world how do you receive this 2018. You can write, take pictures, make a video, do an album, make a story, show us with drawings... whatever comes to you mind! Show people how you welcome 2018!

Invite me and your readers to your celebration this December 31st, let us experience it as if we were sitting next to you.

Show us how you get ready for when this Sunday the clock hits 00:00 of 2018, we want to feel the emotions you are feeling.

Explain the different traditions people have in your part of the world, it would be amazing to learn about your country.

Share with us how you celebrate new year this 2017 - going on 2018 - and tell us how your night went.

There are no special requirements for the content of the post. You can include whatever you want, as long as you show us how you welcome the new year. If you don´t want to include pictures and only text, it is also perfect!

So yeah, there are no rules about the content of the post, the only three requirements I will ask you to do in order to join the contest are:

  • Your post title must be: My 2017: Welcoming the new year - Whatever you want to add

    For example, my title would something like this:

My 2017: Welcoming the new year - A nomad embraces the new sunshine.

  • Use the tag #my2017, the other four can be what you want.
  • Resteem this post. I´m not asking you to vote this post, just resteem it so more people can join and we can see more New Year Celebrations all around the world.

The whole purpose of this contest is too make a post about the celebration of this year, but if you don´t feel like including pictures you can just narrate how your celebration goes on a normal year.

If you feel like thanking someone, thank @blocktrades, I´m just the middle man in the contest ^^. If you feel like mentioning this post and including a link so people join the contest, i would highly appreciate it but it is not a requirement to join the contest

The Pool Prize

On the first contest, Achievements and Failures, we had almost 180 entries, on the second one, Just a normal Day, more than 60 Steemians made a video on DTube, I consider both of them an amazing surprise, I wasn´t expecting 240 people joining them!

This time, for every Steemian joining the contest and making a post following the requirements stated above, I will add one (1) Steem to the prize pool until we reach 250 Steem.

  • So let´s say 134 Steemians make a post, then the total prize will be 134 Steem.
  • If 250 people decide to join the contest, the total prize will be 250.
  • If the contest rocks and we have 487 entries, the prize will still be 250 Steem because I´m not rich and the prize comes out of my posts rewards :(

This number of entries is not hard to achieve, between the first 2 contests we had 240 Steemians, so 250 people for the next one is achievable! That is the only reason I´m asking you to Resteem this post :)

The Winners

On the first two contests, some amazing Steemians helped me judge the contest and their job was great, I can´t be more thankful with them for this almost impossible task of deciding which posts deserve a prize.

For this contest, I have a great idea, but you won´t know about it until the end of the contest. Don´t ask me over private message, I won´t tell you, it is a surprise, but make sure to make the best post of 2018! - Lol, it will be your first one of the year I guess, so make it count, make it great!

There will be a lot of winners, depending on the number of people joining, the prize pool will go higher and higher, and more people will win.


The post you make will be about your celebration when receiving 2018, so you can think about how you make your post during these days, but you will be posting it after December 31.

The deadline is when January 3rd starts on your time zone, that way every Steemian around the world will have the same time to write the post.


This contest is about how you celebrate this new year and about your experiences about receiving 2018 :) So make sure to make your post after the holiday!

Special Thanks

Remember, making this contest and giving this prizes is only possible due to the delegation I got from @blocktrades. Don´t forget to vote for them as witness here to show them your support!

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