My2017 Achievements and failures

@anomadsoul, Eric, has started a wonderful contest, this week its about our life this past year the ups and downs, well so much had happened to me this year. I'll start out with my heart, many of you know I had open heart surgery this year.
I had three heart attacks with also congestive heart failure, so my cardiologist did many in-depth tests on me. They found out I had anamoly of the main artery, its one of the rarest heart defects to have and he said I should not have lived to my twenties. He called me his miracle girl. My heart surgeon had never done this surgery in his thirty five years of being a surgeon and we had to wait a week for surgery because he had to study how he was going to do it. Well it was touch and go but it was a success! So positive came from negative and I was so happy!AD6CBE75-498F-47E6-BB06-EEB713423E3F.jpeg
The other thing that happened this year at the beginning was I went from almost legally blind to seeing 20/20. I've never been able to see like other people, I had coke bottom glasses all my life, well come to find out I had cataracts and they did surgery and for the first time in my life I could see everything! So clear so bright! I can see clearly now the rain is gone!! I only need reading glasses 👓 now and I will take it!!753BC912-DC74-44D5-BC0D-7F55BF23648D.jpeg
This year I had two more grandchildren who give me so much joy my heart is bustingE33889C0-8349-4466-81BD-EB78BF82F6B5.jpeg65499C49-112D-42CD-B167-613181BD7AF3.jpeg
This year my best friend took his life, I was at the hospital when he was born I've known him all his life, when I found out I had to go in an ambulance to the hospital my blood pressure went up to 230 over 115. It broke my heart and a part of me its still broken he was a wonderful manB8074CE6-C053-4E9E-A07F-F41D6C1008E5.jpeg
8182CA48-4411-4641-9A52-692262D183A3.jpeg He was loved by many and will be missed, till we meet again Robert ❤️
Throughput the year my bipolar got the best of me with all these things happening but I always came out on top because I am a very positive person and I like to find the good in everything. This year my metal knee came apart and my back got way worse so I am in a wheelchair, I don't get out much but I am getting a power chair and I'm going to be zipping around everywhere!! This is the one I'm getting0B1BFF2A-7A08-45BB-A557-20D47CD3D8AB.jpeg I can't wait to get it I'm going to be able to go everywhere! It goes over grass rocks everything! I am so grateful! This year has taught me not to sweat the small stuff, and not even the big stuff, there is a reason for everything that happens and remember there is a solution for everything but death, love in the moment, savor each moment, love all you can, and don't get stressed there's much that is out of our control just go with it and in the end you will be alright. We only have one life live it beautifully and love everyone and forgive your enemies hate produces negativity. Be all that you can be, have a wonderful 2018 may it be full of love and joy that is my wish for you my steemians . I love you all dearly and I'm happy to be here and share my life with you, I love you

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