My 2018 - This is my Hobby : Sewing

This is my entry to a contest by @anomadsoul about Hobbies.
I will be sharing useful insights about my hobby, follow me down the rail.
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My hobby is making new clothes, that is sewing. Though I am not perfect at it, but it's something i have so much passion for.
I took in fashion designing as an hobby because i love it when people dress admiringly with different cloth design


Image of me with my first made top for my birthday may last year

List of Items needed
-measuring tape
-marking chalk
-sewing machine
-sample paper
-sample material


After taking measurement of the individual you want to design a cloth for, you first use your sample paper to map out the measurements using the sample chalk to avoid making mistakes on the main fabric.

  • then you cut out your mapped out area with the use of a scissors.

-place the sample papers on the main fabric for measurement.

-then with your chalk you map out the needed area.

-use your scissors to cut out the fabric, then use your pins to hold the fabric together before taking them to the machine.

-while on the machine, you fix up the desired colour if thread depending on the colour of the fabric you want to work on.

-oil/lubricate the machine if necessary to prevent to much friction.

-then you have to know how to use the sewing machine to get the end result of what you want.

But the most important step when it comes to fashion designing is your ability to cut out your fabric according to the right measurement.

The very thought of making a cloth and seeing it nicely fitted on the person the person am making it for gives me more drive for my hobby.
I had always wanted to design my own clothes, make my dresses and look fabulous with them too. This is why i picked up fashion designing as my hobby. I thought it was going to be very easy learning as my mum was into fashion designing too before she took up a medical job full time, but she had less time to teach me and even with the little she did, she discovered that the fashion industry had upgraded from what it was in the 90s.

I couldn't take up extra classes either because there are too expensive in my local community and most times they end up not teaching you what you should know, but send you on errands.

So i decided to take up with tutorials from YouTube. I made my first straight skirt with the help of an online tutorial. I manage my mums old sewing machine which she used for sewing during her days as a spinster. The old machine helps to a certain extent though it takes time to make a cloth using it.

I have been doing this since May last year, I have a friend whose father does fashion designing full time though he mainly sews suits and men's wear, he has a little knowledge of the female wear. When it seems mum's old machine is giving me too much trouble as the thread cuts frequently, i make use of his machine.

Starting up as a fashion designer wasn't an easy one, as i turned the machine backwards. The funny part about it is that due to the way i rotate the machine handle, the threads would get stuck under the machine and my friends would always laugh at me.

I find my hobby interesting as I get to learn more daily. Now i have improved when it comes to turning the handle of the machine in the right directions, I started with a straight skit, now i can take measurements for a long straight gown.

I love the fact that i can design clothes for people to wear. Though i am a petroleum engineering undergraduate, i want to take up fashion designing when am done with school. I want to start now with laying the basics for myself so i won't be stranded.


My mums old machine

I share my hobby with my sisters as we take a task to learn something new together whenever mum is chanced to show us the basics. I have 2 lovely sisters who also have interest in sewing though not as deep as mine which has grown into a passion.

I share my hobby with my friend who is for the main time trying to get admission into the University but does fashion designing too.
No!, my hobby is not my priority. Though practicing it takes away some time from family and friends, I create time for my family and friends.

When i started, it was something i did during my spare time after school, but currently since I have about 6 months break from school , I want to improve myself more with it so i can do it full-time after school. The only constraint being how to fund the practice fees which is about $28000 for 3 months in another city. This shows how expensive my hobby is. I borrow materials from my neighbor who runs a little plan materials market. This has been if great help to me, I had to share some of my study time into my hobby so as to get a perfect result at what i do.

I get inspired by my friends father whenever he designs without stress.
my mum has been of great support to me, with the basics though my siblings school fees comes first in her financial budget, but i strongly believe that I'll be an expert with what i do soon so I can set up my own fashion school and teach others at a low rate what i am finding difficult to learn.

I want to be featured in fashion channels round the world and be the best fashion designer. I know i have to work towards it as it is not an easy task.
I intend to make sewing more than just a hobby, I want to make it part of my life.

I did not join this contest for the fun of it or with the contest mindset which is always about winning, but i see this as an opportunity to share my big dreams with someone who cares to listen.

Share your hobbies and how you intend to develop them. The link to the contest is below


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