My Curie Story - How a fairy visited me overnight and how it made me happy and a bit sad as well

It was probably a month ago. I was as new on Steemit as one can be:

  • 3 weeks after registration
  • 13 posts - 8 pictures, 4 longer posts + my introduction post
  • Rewards around 1.5$


My next post was about keeping a brazilian jiu-jitsu tranining journal. Writing down techniques and details of positions. Not really a topic of wide interest :) I've posted it in tag #bjj and hoped to gain some respect and recognition in the martial arts circle. I didn'texpect any big rewards despite our local whale @jiujitsu and his generous upvoting of minnows. His upvote was worth less than .5$ at the time and as I've said, bjj isn't the tag with high traffic anyway. Then I went to bed and to Uni next moning...

As probably most Steemians, I check my Steemit in the morning, especially when I've posted something yesterday. That morning, I didn't have time because I was late for Uni soo I didn't know I got a...

Visit in the night

She visited me in the night. Yeah, I'm saying she because the name Curie sounds feminine and also, who always helps poor lost kid in fairytales? Well, fairy does! :) Rewards on my posts were more than 50$ but even more, there were 279 upvotes! Wow, I know our jiu-jitsu community has like 15 active members, did I just cause the jiu jitsu boom? I was super excited and quickly opened there started a sad part...

There's something wrong here

As I've opened, I quicly noticed 95% of the upvotes came within 2 minutes. First one was @curie followed by another curator @hendrikdegrote. And after these, more than 200 of upvotes...

Reading is not a mandatory subject

People don't read posts here! Plain and simle, I realized it as it is. Funny, because I was told in school that reading is alpha and omega of everything. Fellow Steemian @booster916 explained to me briefly that my post got curied, what it actually means and that those other 200 people are just automatically following upvoting trail of @currie account. I mean - in case of @curie it's a good thing, because they are probably upvoting at least the good content. But then there are these other people automatically upvoting guys like haejin....

Also, I guess at least 15 views here are my own :) So do the math...

Nothing is lost yet

Despite fully automated upvoting and also controversial bidding bots usage which I've found out about probably just two days prior to my fairy encounter, I still have a hope. It seems it's one of its kind and with security issues of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica lately, I think Steemit is a tempting alternative. I can see a bright future for Steemit especially if accounts and curators like @curie, @hendrikdegrote or many others will continue doing amazing job and bringing the quality content posts from the deep minnow waters of Steemit ocean into the light to the hot/trending pages.I want to thank all the curators who didn't choose so called Haejin way of doing things..

Last but not least

To give something back, we can all vote for the @curie witness or delegate Curie some of your SP. To do so you can click on the following links: 50 SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP,5000SP. \nBe sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account (I don't know why yet but I'm just about to google it :D )

Inspiration to write this post was @pipiczech's curie story.

Thanks for reading!

You can find my latest posts here:

  1. Introducing my partial weight UPVOTING TOOL for minnows with less than 500 SP :) Easy setup!
  2. What is VALUE and what is PRICE of a Steemit post, my dilemma + 8 rapid fire YES/NO questions
  3. [My 3 months in Pakistan #1] Flight, soccer on toilet, RAMADAN surprise + 16 PICS
  4. DROPSHIPPING mania. How people passively earn thousands of $$$ and why I find it DISGUSTING...!!
  5. [Crypto data science #1] Programmatical analysis of 200k bitcoin tweets BEFORE and AFTER correction

Mother tongue version

Bolo to cca mesiac dozadu a na Steemite som bol novy ako sa len novym byt da:

  • 3 tyzdne po registracii
  • 13 postov - 8 obrazkov, 4 dlhsie posty + introduction post
  • Rewards around 1.5$ (mimo mojho postu v #cesky ohladom politiky, ten neratam, lebo to islo cele pomimo blog, resp ja som to vobec ako blog post nebral)


Moj dalsi post bol o pisani si poznamok po kazdom jiu jitsu treningu. Proste zapisovanie technik, poloh, detailov atd...Nie zrovna tema pre siroke spektrum ludi :) Postol som to do tagu #bjj a dufal, ze nim ziskam nejaky respekt v martial arts komunite. Naozaj som neocakaval ziadne rewards, kedze komunita je tam velmi mala a lokalna whale @jiujitsu ma upvote v hodnote 0.5$. Proste som to postol a siel spat...

Ako vacsina Steemitakov, rano si vacsinou pozriem, ako sa veci maju :) O to skor, ak som vecer predtym nieco postol. V to rano som vsak nemal cas, kedze som uz aj tak meskal do skoly. Preto som nevedel, co sa v noci vlaste udialo...

Nocna navsteva

Navstivila ma v noci. Ano, vravim ona, pretoze Curie znie zensky a kto predsa vzdy v rozpravkach pomaha stratenym detom v lese? No predsa vila! :) Rewards na poste boli 55$ a co viac, mal som tam 275 upvotov! Wow, bol som si vedomy, ze jiu jitsu komunita na Steemite ma cca 15 aktivnych uzivatelov, sposobil som teda prave prelomovy moment a zvysil citanost nasho tagu o viac nez 1600%? Rychlo som otvoril a tu zacina ta trosku smutnejsia cast...

Hmmm nieco tu nesedi

Ked som otvoril, hned som si vsimol, ze 200 upvotov som dostal za necele 2 minuty. Prva bola @curie nasledovana dalsim kuratorom @hendrikdegrote. A po nich dvoch dalsich 200 upvotov...

Citanie ako nepovinny predmet

Ludia tu proste necitaju posty! Smiesne, ze v skole ma vzdy ucili, ze citanie je zaklad - ved som ho mal uz v prvom rocniku! Prirodzena podmienka precitat post predtym nez dam upvote tu nefunguje. @booster916 mi neskor vysvetlil, ako funguje curation trail a podobne veci. Ludia proste upvotuju bez citania :D Samozrejme -v pripade @curie je to pravdepodobne stale super, kedze aspon upvotuju kvalitne posty od minnows. Ale na druhej strane su ludia, ktori automaticky upvotuju haejina....

Also, I guess at least 15 views here are my own :) So do the math...

Nic nie je stratene

Napriek automatickemu upvotovaniu a diskutabilnemu pouzivaniu bidding botov, z ktoreho som sam vinny mam stale pocit ze Steemit ma pozitivnu buducnost. Vyzera, ze je zatial jediny svojho druhu a po poslednych skandaloch s Facebookom a Cambridge Analyticou je to celkom lakava alternativa. Pozitivnu buducnost Steemitu vidim o to viac vtedy, ak budu skupiny ludi okolo uctov ako @curie, @hendrikdegrote a dalsi nadalej odvadzat super pracu nachadzania kvalitny postov v hlbokych tmavych minnow vodach Steemit oceanu a prinasat ich vyssie do svetlejsich casti ako napr. hot/trending stranky.
Je to super, ze existuju aj ucty, ktore sa nerozhodli ist tzv.Haejinovou cestou

V neposlednom rade

Ak chcete nieco vratit @curie naspat mozte ju volit za witness-a alebo jej delegovat nejaku Vasu SP. Predpokladam, ze to medzi nami v #cesky tagu zas az tak aktualne nieje, ak hej, tak linky na delegaciu su hore v anglickej verzii o nieco vyssie v poste.

Inspiraciu na napisanie tohto postu som nasiel v @pipiczech 's curie story poste.

Dik za precitanie!

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