Halley's Smartphonephotography 001 - What I see is what you get / 我眼里的世界

Mommy @elizacheng has been "lazy" and procrastinating for some time... Not posting for me for almost a month now. I have not stopped "creating content" just that Mommy is not posting... =_=

妈咪 @elizacheng 有差不多一个月的时间没帮我po任何部落格了,我并没有偷懒,我都有在创作,是妈咪偷懒!

Daddy @casperleow has given me and my sisters @ryenneleow and @vinnieleow his old phone (Asus Zenfone 4). Most of the time, me being the eldest, I get to use it... I love taking photos with the phone (Just like my mommy @elizacheng). I also like to edit the photos. Here're some of my photos. I will divide them into a few categories.

爸比 @casperleow 把他旧的电话(Asus Zenfone 4)给了我们小朋友使用!高兴高兴高兴!我是大姐嘛,所以比起妹妹@ryenneleow @vinnieleow 我比较常使用这手机。我和妈咪@elizacheng一样,都爱用手机拍照。以下是我所拍的照片。

Cute + Kawaii / 可爱 + 萌萌哒

@ryenneleow's whale plushie

@ryenneleow's whale plushie

My Monkey T-shirt

Photos I took when I go travel with my family / 出游记

Captured somewhere in Ipoh

Captured somewhere in Ipoh

Ho Yan Hor Museum in Ipoh

Sunset in Ipoh

Proud Member of MyJuniors

Divider credit to @scrooger --> source

3 columns
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1 column