MyJuniors 2nd event - Come and Draw with Me | MyJuniors第二次活动 - 跟我一起画画

Initially, we thought we have no chance to support this event because my princess need to attend a tuition class and her teacher told us that there is no replacement slot available. Just days before the event, her tuition teacher gave us some good news regarding replacement slot. Next, switch on my laptop and register my princess for this event.


Why do I like to support MyJuniors events? Firstly, because I feel that this is a very good initiative, and secondly, my princess keep asking me when is the next event? This shows that the first MyJuniors event is a very successful one. Steemit is not only about Write, Post, and Upvote. TeamMalaysia put a lot of effort and walked the extra miles to take Steemit to the next level. Through MyJuniors, my princess is able to expose herself to different things such as making Chines New Year lanterns with Angpows (MyJuniors first event), and this time, drawing. My elder daughter is a very shy girl, I hope MyJuniors events will be able to bring her out from shyness one day.

为什么我支持MyJuniors的活动?第一是因为我觉得它的意义很好,第二,我的工作一直追问我什么时候有下一个活动。这证明了第一个活动办得非常成功。Steemit不只是Write, Post 还有Upvote。TeamMalaysia 做了很多东西将Steemit带到另外一个程度。经过MyJuniors的活动,我的女儿能够接触到不同的东西,如上次的制造红包灯笼,这次的画画。我的女儿是很害羞的,希望通过MyJuniors的活动,有一天能够打开她害羞的性格。

It was kina rush because my princess's dance class ran over time. Only managed to get a quick bite and rushed to the IOI-Boulevard, where the event was held. Once we arrived, as usual, we need to tick the attendance. This is the attendance sheet where juniors signed in themselves. /那天实在赶,因为女儿的舞蹈班突然延迟的下课。没办法啦,之后附近快速的吃了午餐就赶去IOI-Boulevard了。跟上次一样,到了第一件事就是报到啦。孩子们自己签到。

I always like the idea of stickers at the registration counter. Generate interest for the kids at the early stage helped them settle down to the new environment. / 我喜欢柜台帖子的主意,因为可以让孩子们对着陌生的环境感到舒怀。

@karinzdailygrind had a very nice sticker and our big brother @bitrocker2020 want to compare his cute sticker. /@karinzdailygrind 的帖子很美啊!大哥@bitrocker2020要跟她比帖子。

@karinzdailygrind the receptionist lady again. @perennial enjoying her nice handwriting. Later only I know @perennial is handwriting expert. Haha /@karinzdailygrind再次在柜台处理一切。@perennial正在欣赏着她美丽的字体。后来才知道@perennial对字体是有些研究的。

Organizer prepared some coloring and drawing tools for the kids. /主办单位准备了一些画画的器材。

Before the event started, juniors already 'networking' with each other. /活动虽然还没开始,小孩已经开始打交道了。

Our cikgu of the day @sireh, cartoon artist from Steem Cartoons, started to engage with juniors. /今天的老师@sireh先跟孩子做交流。

The event started off with @sireh sharing tips to parents on toolboxes. /@sireh跟父母分享一些画画工具的贴士。

Now the drawing class. @sireh teaching some basics, Dots, Lines, and Shapes. 开始教画啦。/@sireh分享一些画画的基本。

After some mentoring, the juniors started to use their imaginations to produce their own masterpiece. /过了一会儿,小孩就用自己的像想力画出他们的作品。

One corner the kids are enjoying with cikgu @sireh. /一方面@sireh跟孩子们享受着过程。

On the other corner, our two big student @perennial and @davidke20 joined the fun as well. @perennial the master of creative words. /另一方面,两个大孩子@perennial and @davidke20也一起参与。@perennial画字体是很厉害的!

@orangila busy snapping. /@orangila一样忙着拍照。

MyJuniors masterpieces. /小孩们的作品。

Cikgu @sireh giving some advice to the older kids./ @sireh给较大的孩子一些画画的意见。

Cikgu @rampai teaching the kids how to draw a cartoon cat. /另一位艺术大师@rampai教孩子们如何画出一只卡通猫。

It's good to be able to see Cikgu @sireh performing live. I'm amazed. /亲眼看到@sireh画人物很,真的太有才华了!

Group photo session! /少不了的全体照

Lastly, big brother @bitrocker2020 turned into Santa. Goodies bag for the kids! /最后,我们的大哥变为圣诞叔叔,拍礼物。

My princess unable to join most of the fun, perhaps due to lack of sleep the day before, her mood is not that good. Toward the end of the session, @sireh suggested a clay workshop. My daughter super excited and looking forward to it.


Would like to take this opportunity to thank the TeamMalaysia and MyJuniors committee members for organizing so many good event. Thank you @elizacheng @sireh @perennial @rambai @aurah @bitrocker2020 @karinzdailygrind @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @notimetospace @johnathanchong for making this MyJuniors 2nd event Come and Draw with Me a successful one.

在此我要感谢TeamMalaysia and MyJuniors的委员会成员,举办了那么多活动。谢谢@elizacheng @sireh @perennial @rambai @aurah @bitrocker2020 @karinzdailygrind @aaronleang @joannewong @orangila @notimetospace @johnathanchong 的付出,让MyJuniors第二个活动再次成功完成!

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