Taking some time for Myself and my Self (MyPictureDay)

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need time to myself.


Time to be alone.

Time to be still.

Time to rest.

Time to explore.

Time that doesn’t involve compromises.

Time to do what I want.

Time that is spent without answering to anyone.


I don’t get time like this often.

I’m guessing that most people don’t. Intentionally taking time for myself like this is, for me, anyway, much easier said than done.


Lately, I have been feeling very burnt out. So, for the first time since before my son was born, which was over four years ago, I took the day off work, brought my children to nursery school, and spent the morning and afternoon by myself.

In order to really relax, I went to a bathhouse.


My shoulder and hip have been bothering me for the better part of the past six months. Mostly every day they are knotted and sore. Though I’ve been going to a doctor and doing physical therapy during this time, for some reason, I am losing my range of motion, especially in my left shoulder.

With the goal of loosening up that shoulder, I spent the first twenty minutes of my time at the bathhouse moving back and forth from a hot bath with jets to a cold bath. I then spent another twenty minutes sitting in an outdoor bathtub listening to the sounds of an artificial waterfall and enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face.

I did so until I became hungry.


Then I changed, ordered one of my favorite summertime dishes, hiyashi chukka (a chilled noodle dish served with a vinegar sauce), enjoyed a cup of green tea, and laid down on some cushions while waiting for my lunch to be prepared.


The nice thing about bathhouses is that you can lie down and rest anywhere without worrying about weather you are inconveniencing someone else.

That is what they are here for, for bathing, resting, eating, and sleeping.

After eating my lunch, I slowly sat and drank more tea and water, then I laid down with my head on my backpack, closed my eyes, and just drifted in and out of a light sleep for what felt like a long time.


It was a perfect way to spend the morning and some of theafternoon:


My mind half turned off.



What do you do when you need time to yourself? How do you recharge and curb your fatigue?

<Image Credits: All images are original and were taken on an iPhone 6.

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