Acheh is the oldest province in Indonesia.Aceh is located at the northernmost tip of the island of Sumatra and is also the most western province in Indonesia. The capital of the country is Banda Aceh. The population of this province is about 5.786.000 Soul. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and is separated by the Andaman Sea. Aceh is bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Malacca Strait in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south. Aceh is decked with an area of many tourist destinations, both on Nature and culinary tours. One of the most beautiful and the most beautiful sights is the island of Rubiah, the island is in Sabang.
Is the city of Sabang Including the provincial city of Acheh is full of tourist destinations?
For my friends who want to sabang
not to be confused when we want to find sights in Sabang, because we will briefly review the attractions in Langsa Sabang. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Sabang along with the address and position:
1.Iboih Beach Island
Iboih is a simple village located in Sukakarya district, namely Sabang City, Aceh, Indonesia. Together with Gapang, Iboih is a favorite area for recreation and releases fatigue for all visitors.
Province : Aceh
Location : Sabang, Indonesia
Address. : Teupi Layeu, Iboih, Pulau Weh, Sabang, Aceh
2.Tugu Nol Kilometer
Monument Zero Kilometer or better known as Monument Kilometer Zero is a symbol as a marker point 0 kilometer Indonesia located at the most western tip of Indonesia is Sabang Aceh. This monument is located in the city of Sabang, and became a tourist attraction that is quite interesting for local tourists to abroad.Tugu Monument Kilometer in Sabang City, inaugurated on September 9, 1997 by the vice president who was then held by Try Sutrisno. About two weeks after it was inaugurated, precisely on September 24, B.J. Habibie who then served as Minister of Research and Technology added a kind of inscription that explains about the determination of geographical position of 0 kilometers Indonesia, measured by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology using Global Positioning System.Exquisite while enjoying sea sunset iboih around the monument.
Province : Aceh
Location : Sabang, Indonesia
Address. : Teupi Layeu, Iboih, Pulau Weh, Sabang, Aceh
According to the explanation by wikipediaAnoi Itam is a village in Sukajaya sub-district, Sabang City, Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia. Gampong Anoi Itam is located on the east side of Weh Island of Sabang City. This gampong is a gampong that is endowed with a relatively good coral reef wealth. According to some literature Gampong Anoi Itam built by a group of immigrants from Aceh mainland especially Gampong Lamnga Aceh Besar. The name of Anoi Itam itself is inspired from the natural state of the area. In accordance with its meaning, "anoi" which means sand (actually, in Aceh, sand is "ano." However, since Lamnga people often add the suffix "i" to each pronunciation, so ano is called anoi) and "itam" reflecting the condition of the gampong almost entirely surrounded by beaches that have black sand.Anoi itam really beautiful and very beautiful. 4.Sumur Tiga Beach Sabang
Pantai Sumur Tiga If you want to vacation to the beach with family do not forget to singah to Pantai Sumur Tiga. Pantai Sumur Tiga is located in Gampong Ie Meulee Sabang City which is accessible 3-5 minutes from downtown. With its beautiful white sand and natural surroundings that are still natural, making the beach atmosphere so very charming.
The beach is a geographical form consisting of sand, and is found in the coastal areas of the sea. The coastal area becomes the boundary between land and sea waters. The length of this coastline is measured around the entire coast which is a territorial region of a country. Many people know Sabang as the end of Indonesia because the national mandatory song "From Sabang Until Marauke". There are still many people who think that Sabang is an island, whereas Sabang is a city on an island called Pulau Weh and is divided into two districts, namely Sukajaya and Sukakaya. Sabang is also part of the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam along with ...
5.Benteng Jepang (Fortress Japan)
Benteng Jepang According to
History In the historical trajectory, Pulau Weh is one of the strategic points in the Malacca Strait. Its precise position at the intersection between the Indian Ocean and the Malacca Strait makes it an ideal stopover point for commodity exchange traffic from Europe, India and the Middle East with East Asia.Hence, long before Temasek (Singapore) and Batam developed as it is today, Sabang became a major port on international trade map. Since the Dutch East Indies, Sabang was established as a free port for international trade.
The outbreak of World War II had a major impact on the city. Japanese troops began occupying this area in 1942. The Sabang occupation meant a great deal for the process of the Japanese invasion to other regions of Indonesia. The Japanese army made Sabang a military port and the air defense line faced the Allied threat from the West.
After the occupation of Japanese troops, there was a massive destruction caused by the Allied bombing which caused the Sabang international port to close. For this reason, the Japanese army built fortresses and bunkers around the coastlines and Sabang hills to strengthen their defenses.
The Japanese-made bunkers serve as surveillance posts to anticipate enemy attacks from the open sea. These fortresses and bunkers include Ujung Kareung, Aneuk Laot, Sabang Hills and along Pantai Kasih.
Based on the information of local residents, some of these bunkers have underground tunnels leading to Bukit Layang which became the command center of the Japanese forces. In addition, the tunnel also connects the strategic points of Japan's territorial defense to form a solid defense infrastructure network.
The remains of this bunker until now we can still see when traveling around Sabang. Among the most noticeable are the alleys that are located on the descent road to Aneuk Laot Lake and several bunkers along Pantai Kasih.
Other bunkers worth to stop off are those located near Anoi Itam Beach. Here, the remains of the cannon can still be found even though it is not installed as the original. From the bunker located in these hills, we can see the view of Anoi Itam Beach that looks very beautiful in the afternoon.
That's my best friend in the five most popular locations in Sabang, as a global tourist location for travel lovers, every year reaches five million more foreign investors visiting Sabang, aiming to enjoy the natural beauty of Iboih beach, Sabang Weh island. • Below we present some interesting photos about the beauty of the Natural Ocean of Sabang ie iboih island, Aceh weh island. ``
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