SATURDAY ADVENTURES - MyPictureDay - Submission


(Self portrait )

Here are a few photos I took today, to show what my typical Saturday looks like….
I start a day with a freshly brewed coffee then I grab my gi and put a croissant in my mouth upon leaving the house to travel to training session at Brazilian Jiu -jitsu. The drive is quite long, so I always end up rushing which sets me up for a hectic day!


Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, is one of my favourite passions, I originally started training over 3 years ago, but had to stop due to a knee injury. Recently I re-connected with this wonderful art, making a slight adjustment to my training routine not to hurt myself further. Brazilian jiu- jitsu is wonderful, after having experience in training Karate and Boxing in the past, I can’t really compare to how BJJ has grasped my heart. It’s a great confidence booster and obviously very healthy as it keeps you active. Apart from that, the club I train with has a very family- like approach, everyone is equal, there’s no smashing, beating or showing off your ego. It’s all about humbleness, hard work and being playful!



There’s honestly no better way to start a Saturday than to train till you’re drenched in sweat but with a big smile on your face! I would write more about it, but it would probably end up as a post alone at one point, so let’s move on!



After the training, my normal routine is to get coffee…. (my other love of my life). I normally visit Starbucks, because I can customize coffee to my needs and baristas don’t mind putting up with my fussiness. Hehe


My passion for coffee runs deep! Even on the days when everything goes wrong, and I don’t enjoy things as much as I used to, coffee never fails to put a smile on my face!



After my coffee, I went for a short stroll around the castle nearby. The norman castle ruins based in Aberystwyth are a very common tourist attraction and also a popular hang out place of the local youth.



The castle dates back to 1277, called a Tan-y-castell, Aberrheidol Castle. It has a rich but dark history. Many times being burned down to the ground by Welsh kings and rulers due to conflict and scandal before being re-built again. Then also a demolition came from an English Civil War which once again, left the place devastated.



I find it fascinating how something which has been attempted to be burned down to the ground, was re-built so many times, to the point where it could still exist today.

(WW1 Monument located right by the castle)

The attempts of demolition accomplished nothing ultimately, leaving these haunting features to enrich the coastal Welsh town, and making the people of todays day still appreciate it’s beauty….. I wonder if all those people who put effort into re-building it, knew how much of a big role they were playing for the future ahead.




I circled around the haunting castle remains, admiring the view of the coast and the town of Aberystwyth. I also sat, and let the fresh wind, which smelled of sea water to hit my face, refreshing my mind and soul while I was drinking my coffee- absolutely loving life! After a while of that and some photo taking I decided it was time to head back home.



Upon my journey home, I managed to snap some shots of my usual ‘rainy day’ views of nature, valleys, forests and small Welsh roads.



My Saturdays, are pretty generic, I mean after all that- I do normally go back home and focus on work. But I am ever so grateful for these little pretty things I get to experience in my life in the morning hours.



The many smiles I get from training, coffee and - photography - which has always been one of my biggest passions. These moments are what makes my day utterly beautiful, and I’m so humbled by them! Gotta enjoy the little things!



Hope you enjoyed this post!


Marta x

  • All photos were taken on Nikon 5300, on manual settings and a timer set for self portraits. :) The photos were taken for a photo contest set by @timsaid :)
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