MyPictureDay Submission | Behind the beauty of a sunset is a sad reality

When we talk about responsibility, it is not only an obligation, but it is also a commitment. It is like that in every action we take, there is a consequence after.

Today, I want to share with you my golden hour moments, a few days ago, in one of the known subdivision in Cebu, Philippines. As I always mention in my previous posts about amazing sunset or sunrise, and the main reason that I love to have a morning or afternoon walk. When I knew that the place is at beachfront, I did not miss the chance to visit it in my favorite time of the day.

As a normal routine, after preparing all the stuff needed, the afternoon walk started. Because it is also a PHOTOWALK, it took us about 30 minutes to reach the clubhouse. This is the part of the subdivision where you can have a nice view of the beachfront. Most of the people who live in the area love to visit this place. They can play on the court, swim in the swimming pool, or just roaming around. They can also sit and relax in the green grass while having a fresh air from the ocean.

But for me, there is something more than I can do, and that is to visit the seashore where you can feel the cold water in your feet. The sea level was high that time, so I did not miss the chance to enjoy it.

View from the shore, behind a tree.

Fisherman's boat

I noticed that only a few people visited the shore. I just thought that it's because the sand is not crystal white or afraid of some insects that usually appeared in the place. Because we arrived late, we were not able to stay a little bit longer, since it was dark already. I was not able to take a lot of pictures that day, so we planned to go back on the next day.

By the next day, a bit earlier, I was so excited to visit the place again. We took the same route and took some pictures along the way. That day, it took us 38 minutes to reach the clubhouse. The time we arrived, it was enough for us to witness the golden hour streak in the sky, that I cannot wait to go down to the shore. We had a few clicks on the platform to appreciate the beautiful blue color above, with a shade of orange and light gray. PLUS the cool green color of the plants and the brown sand which appears in the distance, it was simply beautiful. The sea was at its low level that time, which added to my excitement. Why? Because I wanted to walk in the middle of it and discover what's within the area.

View from the viewing deck at the clubhouse.

I was on the shore, standing and observing the things in front of me. To my surprise, I was not able to react immediately. The excitement I felt was replaced with disappointment about my discovery behind the lovely view in the beachfront. As we are walking along the shore, the more that I have saddened by the reality. That moment I was able to ask myself, "where did all these things come from?"

Garbage is everywhere!

They are not seen when the water is at a high level, but they are in the mud for like 50 meters or more from the shore. Can you just imagine how big is that? The most depressing and alarming about it, most of it was non-biodegradable like plastic, bottles, bags, shoes, etc. I was able to capture some of it, you may take a closer look.

White board marker
Red wine bottle

Acetone bottle
Chuck Taylor shoe

Plastic bottle
Medicine bottle

Black leather shoe

There were some biodegradable, which are safer. But only comprise a small portion of it.

Coconut shell

These are only a few of the things that I've seen in the area. I was not able to roam around because I was so disappointed about it. How come people don't care about what is happening in this place? I don't think that they are not aware of it. Maybe it is the reason why few of the people visit the shore.

It was a bit dark already, so the garbage was not as visible, especially that the sand is black.

That day, it made me realized that there are many people who don't really mind our environment. Despite the information being disseminated everywhere about the importance of proper waste disposal, many of us chose to take it for granted. That is the reality and it is so difficult to correct it. Why? Because it is hard to change the attitude of a person if he/she used to it, even they know that it is actually wrong in the first place. It's like that it's so hard to awaken a person who pretends at a very deep sleep.

When are we going to change it?

This question is a bit hard to answer, as long that there are people who stay blinded by their wrong actions. I hope that they will be able to realize that it is affecting not only in the community they live but also other living things. The saddest reality is that it will also have an effect on the next generation.

I am not only talking about the trash we throw in the ocean but all the garbage we dispose of an area where it is not supposed to. This will bring serious issues about human health and safety. We are also concern about the livings things around us, like the marine life and others. When are we going to stop? If it's too late already?

Before I will end this article, I will share some tips that we practice in our household to lessen the garbage:

  • Recycle and Reuse
    -Instead of throwing old stuff, donate or give it to someone who might need it.
    -Reuse any plastic containers which are still usable as food containers
  • Bring reusable cloth bags when you go shopping or buying groceries.
  • Bring a drinking water with you in your water bottle, instead of buying bottled drinks, unless you need to.
  • Reduce the use of paper
    -Enroll in paperless bill
    -Using the other side of the printed/used paper.
  • Refrain from using disposable glass/plate/spoons/fork/straw/sytrofoam in any events or picnics.
  • Refrain from buying items in individually wrapped or sachet like shampoos, facial wash, detergent soap, etc.
  • Composting food scrap or any grass cutting, which can be used as garden soil.

Also, be reminded of the proper way of sorting out the waste:

  • Biodegradable
  • Non-biodegradable
  • Toxic/Hazardous

We must learn to be accountable enough with our own waste and the proper way to learn it is from our household.THROW THE GARBAGE IN TRASH CANS/BINS, whether it is big or small and put it in the proper disposal area.


As this quote says:

"Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans." - Evo Morales -

Thank you for your time in reading this article. All the photos were taken by Samsung Galaxy Note.šŸ˜Š

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