MyPictureDay - Another Great Blue Heron

This week I was able to get #mypictureday done early. On sunday I was out photography birds below the Big Dam Bridge. (I know, it is such a creative name, but that is what it is called.) I was mostly trying to get images of ring-billed gulls as they were diving towards the water. I was having a hard time getting close enough so started capturing them as they were flying. To my surprise as I was photographing one of the gulls a Great Blue Heron flew by. It flew so close my autofocus on the kit lens I was using had a hard time keeping up.



Because of where I was standing when it flew by I was able to get a picture from above while it was gliding toward it's landing.


I was standing at the end this walkway thingy when it flew by.


A little over a week ago I captured a photo of a heron and have since been on the look out for them. So when this heron perched on a rail about 60 feet away I was excited. It was kind of funny, I would take a few shots then take a step closer. I repeated that until I was probably 20 feet away from it, at that point it got uncomfortable with me and moved on.





I searched around for it for a while, thinking that it might still be in the area. Hoping that it would fly by again but deep down knowing it wouldn't.

While I was driving away I found it again. Got this while I was stopped in the middle of the road. Luckly there wasn't much traffic. When I did park to try to get closer it flew away again.


I have been trying to be diligent with how I organize my photos and trying to be more aggressive with deleting photos I do not need. After going through the 700 images I took that day I was deleting those that weren't up snuff and accidentally deleted my raw images for the ones that I wanted to keep. I was lucky that I still had the jpg's of them.

The photos of the Great Blue Heron were shot with my Canon 7D and a 55-250mm lens. The photo of the walkway was shot with a OnePlus 5T.

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