It had been over a month since I had refilled the bird feeder because squirrels kept eating all the food; which gets expensive. Friday I noticed a lot of bird activity in the backyard so I went ahead and put the last of the bird feed I had in the feeder. It wasn’t long before I seen the squirrel stealing the food.
So I made a little noise and got the squirrel to move on temporally. Before long I had a lot more birds so up. My back yard was teeming with activity.
After all this activity was going and birds flocking to my backyard for the party. This guy showed up. I have seen him crossing through my backyard a few times but this time he looked hungry.
Once he was spotted lurking about the party was over. It was just me and cat looking at each other. Him thinking that I ruined his lunch and me thinking he ruined my fun taking photos.
I was using a Canon 7d camera with a Nikon 80-200mm lens. When using this combo the lens adapter doesn't allow auto focus so this was giving me a lot of practice manually focusing.