My Ghost Stories

Most people have had an experience or two with ghosts.  I remember when we lived in our original home, my friend and I would hear children’s voices and when we went to investigate them we found no one outside anywhere.

In this same home we were walking upstairs one day.  The steps were curved so on the corner step I looked up and saw a figure of man standing at the top of the stairs.  I froze, at which point my friend started pushing me to move.  That was until she looked up herself and saw the same thing I did.  We ran down the stairs immediately and waited for my brother to get home.  Of course, when he went up the steps there was nothing there anymore.  Crazy thing is a few weeks later she opened the door at her house to go upstairs and the figure was standing at the top of her stairs.  She closed the door and stayed downstairs a bit longer.

There was a house we rented while my parents finished building our new home.  I was upstairs in one of the rooms in the far corner of the room cleaning with the door closed.  While I was focused on my task, the door started to rattle like someone was trying to pull it open and wasn’t turning the knob.  I of course assumed it was my friends who had just left to go to the store playing a trick on me.  So I went downstairs to investigate and I inspected the home and the outside.  There was no one around at all.  The road didn’t even have any cars on it.  I decided to stay out of that room until my friends returned.

When my husband and I lived in our apartment, we had another spirit that would rattle the door every time we kissed goodnight.  It got so bad my husband finally put bumper tabs in out door jam to prevent it from happening.

I was investigating a burned down church with some friends and we were listening to the evp that my husband and my friends husband had recorded while in there.  It said “watching you”.  Well a few minutes after the guys had heard the message on the recorder this lady was walking her dog and came up to us and asked us what we were doing and told us that no one was allowed to go into the church.  Well I guess the spirit was warning us that we indeed were being watched.

There is definitely a world that we cannot see all around us.  I believe spirits are around us on that plane and I am grateful that I have learned to communicate with them instead of being afraid of them like I was as a child.


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