Index into my "Ragnarok Conspiracy" posts.


This post is the latest index into my ongoing work on my first novel: Ragnarok Conspiracy

I hope the below index is helpful for those of you new to my fiction and those who might have missed one or more of the chapters I've posted before.

Part One: Beginnings

  1. Dakila
  2. John
  3. Gwen
  4. Bjarne
  5. Rachella
  6. Pete
  7. Wietse
  8. Xavier

Part Two: Concequences

  1. Gwen
  2. Dakila
  3. John
  4. Pete
  5. Bjarne
  6. Wietse

Part Three: Robert

  1. Carnage
  2. Soviets
  3. Debrisphere
  4. Roughnecks
  5. Fiat 500
  6. Lecture
  7. Caverns
  8. Cipher
  9. Confrontation

Part Four: Midgard

  1. Tables Turning
  2. Sleipnir
  3. Captured
  4. Reset
  5. Weaponized
  6. Air
  7. Coordinates
  8. Foreign Dreams
  9. Forgotten

Part Five: Nilfheim

  1. Perseus-Pisces
  2. Holocene Past
  3. Jötnar
  4. New Allies
  5. Old Enemies
  6. Whack-a-mole
  7. Aesir
  8. Antifragile
  9. Cold Start

Cover art by Keith Draws

I need to keep posting new versions of this index as I can only edit up to one week after creating this post. I try not to flood steemit with index posts though. I will allow the latest post to be behind one chapter. This means that if this is the newest index post in my feed and this post is older than a whole week, there may be at most one chapter missing.

Note: I am currently running a beta-reading contest for the part two chapters where you can win multiple prices for helping me improve my work.

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