.STEEM domains with SteemDNS Web UI and Mirror Domain (EASY TO USE)

Original SteemDNS post

GUIDE for running your own SteemDNS

As a proper follow up to my SteemDNS post, I have made SteemDNS easy to use, with the addition of a Web UI, and a proxy domain (shorter domain coming soon™).

If you aren't already aware, SteemDNS is a domain system on the STEEM blockchain, allowing yourusername.steem to point to any server you want. (but you'll need custom DNS like Namecoin if you want .steem directly to work)

What can I do with the Web UI, and where can I find it?

The Web UI is located at DNS.STEEM.NETWORK, and allows you to login with either your Active private key (preferred for security), or your master password. You can get your private key by going to your wallet on Steemit, and press "Show Private" next to the Active key.

Don't worry, it's all done inside of your browser, we don't store anything at all on our servers.

The Web UI allows you to create new records, as well as delete records from your json_metadata through a point and click GUI. It uses the existing dns:{records:[]} system previously described.

Does it damage my existing items in the JSON?

If your json_metadata is correctly formatted, it will only touch the DNS entries within your JSON Metadata, leaving any other entries in-place.

If there's a problem, it will warn you with a large error that your JSON Metadata will be erased/reset on save because it's mal-formatted.

Is it open source?

YES. You can get it on Github (Released under GNU AGPL)

But what if I want to access .steem domains without changing my settings

I don't have a truly short domain yet, but I've solved the issue for now with the following mirror/proxy domain:


You can replace someguy123 with your username, and it will retrieve the record from my DNS server. (there's also a link to this on the DNS page when you log in, with your username in it already)

For those trying to run their own DNS server, the mirror code has been added to the original SteemDNS loader script on Github, which supports multiple mirror domains as necessary.

Thank you for reading. Follow me for more fun development projects for Steem, and vote for @someguy123 to be a witness

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