This is a response to the #NaturalMedicine Book Contest.
When it comes to book I can go on and on, Reading is something I enjoy doing the most but sadly these days do not enough time still I try to sneak in as much as I can.
I have a lot of books that I have enjoyed reading but then there are those few which are very close to my heart and I keep going back to them again and again. Most of my books are on Healing, Crystals, Occult but I also enjoy reading Biographies and Real life stories.
I have been influenced by many books but there are some books that have literally changed my life, which are;
Hands of Light By Barbara Ann
Many Lives, Many Masters By Dr. Brian Weiss
Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
The Magic of Crystals and Gems by Cerridwen Greenleaf
Many Lives, Many Masters By Dr. Brian Weiss was my first ever book which gave me a light to the world of Healing. I had many many questions all the time about the way life goes for each one of us, the fear of death and complicated relationships, unknown sinking patterns and what not. This book kind of opened up the doors for me. Though in this particular post I am not talking of this book. But yes this has been my foundation so cannot miss it.
Today the book that I want to write about is Hands of Light By Barbara Ann
This is the book that I dip into now and again, this is my bible, my guide book to healing work. The Author Barbara Ann who is a Energy Healer is a gifted healer and has a vast amount of experience in the healing work. She has attended 1000s of clients and her cases are all medically verified healing people with all different types of illnesses. She has been a role model for me and I admire her work. The understanding and knowledge she has of her work is tremendous and the best part is she shares it in her Books with the world. I have done many Healing courses but I have never come across anyone who has such vast amount of knowledge.
Her book "Hands of Light talks about Healing one's physical body by tapping into the Energy field and healing the psychological and emotional disturbances which enables the physical body to heal from the most grave illnesses.
But for that one needs to have an in-depth knowledge of the Human energy field, ability to see and interpret Auras and expanding one's own consciousness.
This book is a study guide for every healer who wants to have an in depth and thorough all rounded knowledge on healing, It gives case studies, it has self study exercises, food for thought, reviews after each chapter.
The best chapter of this book for me is the observations of Aura. I have been practicing her exercises regularly and they work 100%. Also the process from Energy Block to Physical Disease is explained very well in this book. The other interesting part of this book is the explanation of the 7 bodies The Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial and the Causal Body
Let me share a small exercise from the book on Aura sensing
Most people see a haze around the fingers and hands when trying to sense the aura. The energy bodies pull like taffy between the fingers as the haze from each fingertip connects to the haze at the fingertip of the opposite hand. When you move the fingers so that a different fingertip is facing it, the haze will at first follow the old finger and then jump to the closer finger tip. As shown in the picture below.
An image of a disassociated thought form. In this you will see how one thought leads to another and keeps expanding connecting from one low feeling to another.
A Normal Aura of a Human Body. Here we can see how the Aura expands out of the Physical body and has so many layers.
How Energy changes with different situations;
This is the Breathing posture exercises to work on Chakras.
All the Pictures are from the Book "Hands of Light" by Barbara Ann
Trust me this book is just fabulous and anyone who is wanting to do more of Energy work, this book is a must have for the person. It will give you knowledge to a completely different level. It gives you a thorough guidelines on self healing and healing others.
This one is on top of my list. I had bought this book 3 years back and started following it, but there is so much to learn in this that I think it will take me years to completely learn all that this book has to teach.
Hope you all enjoyed my Hands of Light Book story.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
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