
Mankind has come a long way ever since we discovered fire. As the ever curious creatures we are... we have discovered ways to satisfy our need for survival on the earth. This was very instrumental in our growth as a species. But as we grew, our curiosity shifted from our needs into comfort, luxury and wants.

"Homo-sapiens" is what we call ourselves, meaning "wise-man". We have a cerebral cortex more efficient and faster than any primate which brought about our creativity and innovations like; music, arts, and technology. but as I think deeply about human nature and how it has helped civilizations grow, I believe that human nature is like a double-edged sword. like the greek mythology of Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and paid a price for it, we seem to be walking the same path.


As civilizations grew so did our ecological footprint, but each step we take seems to wander far away from nature. We have succeeded in insulating ourselves from the very earth that birthed us, even though we are all living on welfare off earth's resources. but still, Mankind and Nature seem to be like two worlds living opposite to each other.


I am not here to preach about living in the woods neither am I hypocritical about the benefits of technology to mankind, but if there is going to be a global change to the decline of our natural environment, we all need a connection with nature on a personal level.

So often, with life in the city... it's easy to be distracted by the honking cars, hustling, and our daily jobs, but no matter where you are nature is all around you. You don't have to take a vacation to experience it. I can remember a year ago, It was a hot summer evening so I took the sofa and slept on the balcony. the following morning as the early sunrise hit my eyelids, I woke up and had an urge to look into the sun as it rose gently over the horizon, two minutes later I felt this energy. I am not a morning person at all. I used to wake up feeling groggy but on this particular day, just the gentle ray of the sun was able to give me a pump that no caffeine can replicate.

I later found out that it was actually sun gazing and numerous research has been conducted on this. Thomas Jefferson University funded by NASA studied one Hira Ratan Manek and his ability to metabolize energy from the sun and survive on only water for long periods of time. It is however advised to practice sun gazing during early minutes of sunrise or sunset when the UV rays are zero.

Grounding is another way to connect with nature. Grounding is basically using your bare feet to touch the earth for long periods of time. There have been various scientific studies on grounding and its effects to boost the immune system and reduce inflammations in the human body.

The earth literally produces magnetic waves and electrons that enable life to flourish and protects us from solar flares. I believe it will be beneficial to take off those insulating rubber soles and feel the earth for a few minutes.


Also eating natural foods is also a good way of connecting to natural life, there are so many over processed foods flooding the market, growing your own food garden can also be an alternative. credit to @nirgf, his comment reminded me about natural food.
I could go on about how ancient early humans were able to gain enlightenment and insight by connecting to the earth but I choose to stay on the scientific spectrum so I don't scare off extremely logical readers.

Every other day I keep hearing news about one animal going extinct and environmental decline. you might feel powerless as an individual to change things but all it takes is one person, just as I have spread awareness through this article. The more people are becoming aware of our natural environment and regain that connection with nature, it could change the tides. There are also various green and plant a tree movement.

Thanks for reading God bless 😊


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