The Powers of a Soon to be Criminal Plant [Experience report of using Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) for pain management and anxiety]

Kratom Experience Report [herb: pain, anxiety, opiate addiction]

With the DEA classing Kratom, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine under a Schedule I classification on the 30th of September, 2016, I have decided to post my Kratom experience report in efforts to bring awareness to this incredible herb.

First off, Kratom is a herb that grows in South East Asia, originating in Thailand. Kratom contains alkaloids known as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine which attach themselves to the same receptors that opiates attach to but are not themselves opiates. Therefore, Kratom can be taken by an individual wishing to relinquish oneself of the chains of opiate addiction. Likewise, an individual not wishing to partake in pharmaceuticals or opiates in general, for whatever reason that may be, one may partake in the consumption of Kratom as an herb.


Habitual use and extended use is not recommended as tolerance builds quickly and too much will cause an upset stomach and dizziness, but no Kratom overdose has been recorded as a known cause of death. Some users do report cases of addiction, but it is extremely low. And while even fewer users report cases of extreme withdrawal, myself and most other users I've spoken to or read about experience only the slightest discomfort when coming out of an extended use period.

I suffer from extreme back pain caused by sciatica, which radiates down into my feet through my legs. Some days I cannot stand, some days I cannot sit, and its even worse when I cannot lie down. I am constantly fighting off pain and worried about pain management. I only use herbal remedies for treatment. I also have extreme anxiety issues that I've been coping with for many years now that originate from sexual and psychological abuse.

Experience Report


3g (2g bali,1g malay) 5min come up, 30 minute peak, 2 hour plateau, 1 hour come down, 30 minutes after effects


Was very euphoric, -almost- speedy, definitely stimulating of the senses, closest feeling I could relate being a body roll from methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA, NOT MDMA).


The body roll settled out into a very enjoyable euphoric sensation that left me feeling more personable than anything. The sensation was not overwhelming, but was just enough to be noticeable. I had the urge, and followed through, to walk around the trailer park and see how my neighbors were doing. I was not worried about pain management as I had no pain to worry about. I walked to the store to get some supplies for a tek and I felt like my personal text book definition of a normal person. I was able to thoroughly enjoy myself and my surroundings while maintaining a constant sense of the now. I was not reflecting on the past, creating anxiety, and I was not focused on pain relief.

Come down:

I didn't really notice the come down. It slowly just dissipated in a manner that one moment it was there and I knew it, and then a couple hours later, I felt "myself" again. Though, interesting to note, each time I've ingested kratom, for three-four days after my pain management is at a much more controllable level, as if it reset my pain receptors, gateway, or threshold.

It is of my personal opinion that the DEA, the CIA, and major pharmaceutical companies are losing out on major profits from heroin and pharmaceutical opiates/opioids due to the massive flux of users moving to an all natural, less damaging product that they can find easily in quantities that they can afford. In doing so, the DEA has decided to criminalize another plant that causes massive detrimental effects to their establishment.


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