A Different View For Christmas - Soulful Sunday by A Panama Mama

This is our first year spending Christmas in Panama and things are a little different for us. First, we have this amazing view. This rainbow just keeps popping up in the same place every day which is pretty amazing!


Next, we are all in t-shirts and jeans this year which is pretty nice. Not a snowflake in sight!

Also, we will be celebrating this year with friends instead of family. We have invited some people over for lunch on Christmas day and it should be a fun day with them!

Life is a little different for us this Christmas, but one thing remains the same...we are together and celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Whether he was really born on this day 2000 years ago or not is not what is important. Remember that he lived and died for us. Read Luke 2:1-20 for the Christmas story.

This is my favorite Christmas song. Which is yours?

And a quick song from us in Panama:


Soulful Sunday will be brought to you here every Sunday by A Panama Mama.
Check back each week for quotes, poems, songs and verses to jump start your week.
If you have a comment, feel free to leave me a reply.
Thanks for visiting! Have a God blessed day!
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