Rainbow, Sunset and Flowers - A Beautiful Sunday in Panama

Today, I had a difficult time figuring out which picture to feature on my blog post for #beautifulsunday. I have had a couple of rainbows as well as a couple of flowers as the main picture before. When there is so much beauty here in Panama, it is difficult to decide which is the best. The rainbow, however, still makes my heart flutter the most and it has, once again, won out over the others!


It is hard to truly imagine how beautiful and bright this rainbow really was. Strangely this rainbow only lasted for a few minutes, so I was glad that I captured it as quickly as I could.

If you are into sunsets, I think you will appreciate this picture as well. It was from last night and it was truly amazing. The clouds all had this lovely orange glow, but the camera picked up a little yellow. Our trees make it so we cannot truly see the sun as it sets, but we can see the beauty reflected in the clouds.

Today we went to our friend's house for a little Bible study with friends. I took a few minutes to enjoy her wonderful flowers. I think this is my favorite on their property. It's a deep red hibiscus.

Every time we go, their driveway is lined with lovely blooming hibiscus trees! This is a lovely yellow one and it shows off the amazing blue sky!

A double yellow hibiscus was the last of these flowers that I took a picture of. She has so many different colors - some day I will do a post with all of them together! It would be quite a long post as she has so many varieties!!

I love these gardenia, not only for how pure white they are, but also because of their amazing smell. Gardenia is one of my favorite smells!

The last flower, the Bird of Paradise, is one of my favorites as well. I have fond memories of my dad singing a song about the flower (which I will include at the end - Lol). I just think it is such a lovely, tropical flower!


#BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108
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