World Wild Flora - Veronica longifolia - Purple poetry.

In the shades of a river bank 's bushes, among other plants, one may find another expression of a Nature's beauty called Veronica longifolia, commonly known as the longleaf speedwell. In place where i've found it, near Vistula River in Fordon, Poland - it is called ''Przetacznik dlugolistny''. Although in Middle Europe representants of the Plantaginaceae family and other kind of Veronica genus are fairly common, this species are relatively rare in the wild.





It is said that Veronica longifolia likes to grow along waterways and coasts. It is popular with bees and butterflies as a flowering plant. Although other species of Veronica ( like Veronica officinalis ) have some medicinal uses, Veronica longifolia is used in gardens as an ornamental plant and pollinating-insects attractor. Besides mentioned functionality in the small and large ecosystems, it adds to a garden's beauty with its spiked racemes in the spectrum of colors.




And as the flowers of speedwell could be seen as the Poetry of Nature, i've found a beautiful poem about it called '' Fidelity '' written by Lady:

'' Not for thy azure tint, though bright,
Or form so elegantly light,
I single thee, thou lovely flower.
From others of the sylvan bower;
Thou hast a spell to them unknown,
And this my heart hath captive won.

Thy name-what is it? The very prayer
Affection breathes for friends most dear;
Whate'er their hopes, pursuits, or aim,
Part they or meet, thy magic name
With silent eloquence may tell
Her soul's fond breathings, 'Speed ye well.'

Then to thy task, thou favored flower;
And if thy simple charms have power
To win the glance of her I love,
O, faithful to thy errand prove;
Say, far or near, where'er she dwell,
Thy prayer shall ever be, 'Speed well.' ''


More on Veronica longifolia:

Poem: page 110.

Till the next time!

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