To recycle, then to exist

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Did you know that it takes more than 100 years for a tire or tire to decompose?

Tires or rims, pose a real threat to the environment. Once their useful life is over, the dilemma of what to do with them arises. It is customary to burn them, but it is clear that transferring the pollution to the atmosphere is another problem. This material contains highly toxic elements such as tar, sulphur, resins and others that when burned leave compounds in the air that are harmful to living beings and the environment. Carbon monoxide from this combustion decreases the oxygenation capacity of the blood and carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere causing an increase in the temperature of the earth.

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Fortunately, they are also being used more and more consciously and ecologically, such as:

✔ Footwear manufacturing.

✔ Filled with grass fields.
✔ Use in asphalt paving and road construction.

✔ Use as industrial fuel.

✔ Anti-noise walls, among others.

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Nowadays, there are playgrounds, gardens, utilitarian and decorative pieces made with tires that, in addition to being beautiful, ingenious and original, emanate a message that calls us to become aware of the importance of recycling and its benefits for the planet and for life itself.

Recently, while visiting the Topotepuy Ecological Garden, in the city of Caracas, Venezuela, I came across a beautiful plant wall of used rubber, I enjoyed my stay very much, I thought the idea was great because there were a lot of tires with excellent use.

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They served as a wall in a small orchard, as well as being transformed into beautiful works of art that served as picturesque pots.

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Recycling not only transmits creativity and awareness, it is also a sign of wisdom and the culture of a people.


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Reduce: It is about minimizing the generation of solid waste and taking preventive measures. Buying, for example, with ecological awareness and in a selective way, saving water, energy, food, use of materials, etc. It is consumption in a sustainable way.

Reuse: The word says it all: It consists of giving the maximum possible use to the products we consume. Either through the repair for the same use, or through the imagination by using the objects for different uses.

Recycling: It is the use and transformation of waste or solid residues that have been recovered through selective separation to be used in the manufacture of other products. As for example the rubbers transformed into nice pots of this post.

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Modern technology owes an apology to ecology. Alan M. Eddison.

See you next post friends, thanks for reading me.

Photographs and stories of my authorship.

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