The Big Five - Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park is one of my favorite travel destinations and a place I like to frequent while on vacation. I have visited the park countless times over the past five years and during visits I was lucky enough to cross paths and get in some good shots of all of the members of Africa's famous big five, which I will be sharing with you today.

So introducing the first member, and possibly the most famous of them all,the lion also known as the king of the jungle. To all those that watched the lion king when they were little, Mufasaaaaaaa!!

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Did you know?
Male lions have the loudest roar of all the big cats species? His roar can be heard up to 5 miles (8 km) away.

Introducing the second member of the big five and one that you really do not want to see get angry. Natures tank, the rhinoceros!



Did you know?
There are two species of Rhino found in Africa, the white rhino and the black rhino. The white rhino has a much wider mouth and stands up to 1.8 meters in height, weighing in at over two tons, second only to the African elephant in size. Black rhino's on the other hand are smaller in size standing up to 1.6 meters in height and weighing up to 1400 kilograms.

The third member of the big five and yet another member that you don't want to lock horns with. He has killed more hunters in Africa than any other animal and he even made Mufasa tuck tail and run like a little kitty on many a time. Introducing the Cape buffalo.

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Did you know?
Cape buffalo sometimes form large herds that consist of more than a thousand members

The next member is rather elusive and I was unable to get many decent shots of him but nevertheless I would like to introduce to you the fierce and ferocious leopard.

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Did you know?
Leopards are nocturnal animals, meaning that they are mostly active at night. While running they are able to reach speeds of up to 58km per hour. Leopards are also very skilled climbers.

The final member of the big five, is the worlds largest animal on land and with ears as big as that, it is a wonder why he cannot fly. Introducing the mighty elephant.

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Did you know?
There are two species of elephant left in the world. The African and Asian elephants. The average lifespan of an elephant is between 50 and 70 years. The oldest recorded elephant reached and age of 86 years. The largest recorded elephant was shot dead in Angola in 1956, it weighed in at a whopping 12 tons and had shoulder height of 4 meters

Now that you have been introduced to the Africa's famous big five and as mighty as they may be, they are all in grave danger. These poor animals are constantly being hunted and killed by poachers and their parts are then sold on the black market.

As mighty as these animals are, they are not bulletproof! It is reserves like the Kruger National park that provides shelter and security for these animals and if it were not for reserves like them, I am certain that a few members of the big five would not be here with us today.

So friends for those of you that live in South Africa, please make some time and visit the park, show them your support, you will thank me for that experience and those of you that do not live in South Africa but planning to visit our beautiful country. I would highly recommend a visit to the Kruger National Park to see these wonderful animals and all their beauty.


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If you enjoyed this post, please comment, upvote and resteem it, I would like to raise the awareness of the poaching crisis that we are currently facing in South Africa and do whatever I can to ensure that the big five is still around for my great, great grandchildren to witness with their own eyes. Thank you.

To find out more about the current poaching crisis and how you can play a major role in defeating poaching please see my latest article below.


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