Fun on the Run with Ms Doe


Isn't she AWESOME? As I have mentioned in some of my other nature oriented posts...I often have encounters on the run. Today I ran down this trail.


It's a very nice, green, shaded pathway. And peaceful. I ran 4 miles in exactly 35 minutes! I've been kind of beat down and tired lately so I was pleased with that time. This is an "out and back" course - so I ran one mile out then back, you get the idea. About a half or so mile in, I spotted Ms Doe's tan body distinctly against the tall green grass. But then didn't see her as I ran by. On the "back" portion - i.e. mile 2, she was right near the edge of the path. I figured she'd dash off but she didn't, even as I paused my timer and stopped dead in my tracks. She just hung out there like 6 feet from me eating. I whistled in a low tone to catch her attention. That was photo one you see above. Then right back to m'am, please look at me again. Another light whistle....


She's like, "oh, you again?" Then back to eating. Another light whistle.....


She like, "okay, I've had enough of you interrupting my dinner." Starts to walk off, then I run off! Hehe.

I didn't see her on my second out and back. Saw a bunch of little cute rabbits but they were hopping away when they saw me. Saw one female cardinal off in the distance. Quite lovely, but very busy. I couldn't of gotten a photo. Plus, I usually don't stop while running. Messes up my mojo. But Ms Doe was worth it. That's the closest I've ever been to a deer. Was pretty cool.

Once back I finished up with 30 pushups, 75 squats, and I lung walked up this section where you see the red dots.

2017-08-04 19.27.23.jpg

Now, it's sleepy time. Have a great day/night my Steemians and full STEEM ahead!

all pics are mine!!

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