Daily Nature Fix: One Badass Tree. (Original Photo)

Hi steemit folks.  Today's daily nature tidbit is about a tree that takes self-defense VERY seriously. It is the black palm (Astrocaryum standleyanum) of Central America. This palm tree species can grow up to 60 feet tall and the entire trunk is cover with thousands of ridiculously menacing spikes.  These spines are around 4 inches long, or more, and incredibly sturdy.  This tree could cause some serious, serious damage. This one was spotted in Costa Rica:

I was really intrigued by this tree as #1) I've never seen anything quite like it before and #2) it was the only one of them I saw during this entire trip... yet this is the only photo I took of it, unfortunately, and it's not the best. My apologies.  It turns out this plant isn't super common, which would explain the lack of seeing others.  I have since read that Ecuador has a healthier population of them though. Next time I run through a patch of wild rose thorns or brambles, I'll have to remember things could be much worse.  Still, a cool find though. :)

Thanks for reading!  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily posting showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.  

Follow me for your daily dose of nature @customnature!

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