Daily Nature Fix: There's a Tree in Me Cottage! (Original Photos)

   Good evening Steemit!  I've been gone for nearly 5 months and my, have you grown! A lot has been happening over the last half year or so.  I changed jobs, did some traveling, did some wedding planning, and have gotten into some new hobbies.  My brother, @kommienezuspadt, called me to let me know the latest steemit photo challenge was landscapes and THAT brought me back to steemit life (if you will).   

   Without further ado, tonight's Daily Nature Fix is about the ruins of a 16th century cottage we came across in western Ireland that was really grown in with trees, vines, and ivy.  

    We nearly missed this entire beauty, to be honest.  It was located just beside a castle of the same age.  The castle drew our attention, naturally, but this cottages was REALLY concealed in overgrowth from the access area we were hiking down.

^^^This was our view of the cottage at first.

   Once I started to poke around the area a bit more, the kickass ruins began to reveal themselves. 

   From the other side, I could start to make out the windows, doorways, and even a fireplace.  It was amazing to see how nature was reclaiming the structure.  One of my favorite sights was that of a seeing a rather mature clump of tress growing up directly in the center of the one room.

   Here is a view of the trees through one of it's doorways.  As a bonus, it was framed out by a crazy array of ivy vines!  Definitely one of my favorite unplanned stops of the trip.  

    Thanks for reading! I'm going to get back to posting a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss one!  See you tomorrow.  - Adam

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***

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