Every Day, We Are Watering Seeds Inside

Every Day, We Are Watering Seeds Inside


Every day, we have a choice:

What seeds do I want to water within myself?

The Seeds of joy? The Seeds of sorrow?
The Seeds of bliss? The Seeds of rage?
Seeds of optimism? Seeds of cynicism?
Seeds of anger? Seeds of forgiveness?
Seeds of creativity? Seeds of self-doubt?
Seeds of wisdom? Seeds of folly?
The Seeds of knowledge?
The Seeds of ignorance?
The Seeds of hatred?
The Seeds of love?

We are growing like plants on this Earth;
We contain trillions of different seeds.
We are a miniature infinity,
A microcosm of the universe.

What seeds do we want to water within ourselves?


Depending on what choices we make,
We change the fate of humanity.

What seeds do we want to water within humanity?

Is it the Seeds of beauty, Seeds of strife?
The Seeds of war or Seeds of peace?
Is it the Seeds of friendship, Seeds of light?
The Seeds of terror, Seeds of sadness?
Seeds of torment, Seeds of serenity,
Seeds of enlightenment, Seeds of indulgence
Seeds of concord, Seeds of justice,
Seeds of separation, Seeds of fear?

Whatever we choose to water will grow,
Because our hearts are fertile soil indeed.

What seeds do we want to water within ourselves?

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It is up to each one of us.
We are cosmically empowered
To co-create our collective destiny.

Every day, we are watering seeds inside.

What seeds will we choose to water today?


What seeds will YOU
choose to water today?
I will upvote every comment
that answers this question.

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seedlings-germinating-brown-and-green (2).jpg

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