Paper Wasp - Up Close Photo and Video [ 🎥 38 second video!]

It was still early and I was standing at my gate waiting for a friend to come over to buy a few jars of honey. Yesterday I spent several hours extracting honey from the hives that we keep in the back of our little farm. I thin it was because I was being very calm enjoying the morning breeze and the song birds singing their morning tunes that I was able to capture this moment.

Red and Yellow Paper Wasp Photo

Paper Wasp Eating Video

Wasps are generally hated. They are considered a nuisance and a pest, but I actually like them. Yes, I've removed some nests when they get to close to our doors on our house, but in general I leave them alone. Wasps are actually very beneficial in the garden. They eat a lot of the pests that like to eat our veggies.

If they aren't bothering you, you may want to leave them to do their thing!

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