Setting our first aquarium - all preparations before having first fishes (lots of photos)

Today everything I needed to start arrived:) Soil, filter, plants - everything for the beginning of my journey to wonderful world of aquarium owner:) So here in this post I want to share with you this magic process that took all my time today (and this is the main reason why I posted less art, ha-ha:)

First of all I want to show a tiny fragment of how it looks now:

See the tower? I love it so much:) Saw it in the zoo market and immediately decided that I should have it. For me it looks like Radagast's tower from the LotR on-lime MMORPG, and I think soon we'll have not only fishes, but also a crab or a crayfish, and we'll call him Radagast;)

When all the stuff arrived my dog was a bit shocked. Look at her muzzle, I think she's up to something:) May be up to hunting fishes in future. Of course I will not let her do that, but she really seems interested in the process. On the background you can see already washed and settled aquarium, 80 liters it is. Now let's figure out what do I have to start the journey:

5 kilo of the soil. I wished to have colored one, but the seller said that it also may color the water. So I decided to avoid this risk for the first time, and bought natural one. The instruction says that I much wash it first, and that's what I did before putting it to my future underwater world.

Thermometer. When my hubby will come home we'll decide where to stick it together. Having a dog I became a fan of Trixie manufacturer, so here I tried to stick to this firm too as much as I can. They really produce great goods. 

Aquarium net. Don't need it yet, cause we need to wait for a week or two until the eco system will stabilize and we'll have the first fishes, but since I was ordering all I need I decided to have a net too in advance.

Living plants! I expected that all of them will be labeled and in separate packages, but I've got them like this, all in one package. No matter, I think later I will figure out what plants do  have.

And the filter, to clean the water and give oxygen to the inhabitants. I'll leave setting it to my husband:)

So, I washed all the soil and began putting it into my aquarium carefully. I also settled the tower.

Then I filled it with water on 2/3 on it's volume and began setting plants. Tricky business, I must say:)

Surprise! Yesterday I complained that we couldn't find any snails to buy. Found one in the plants, like a gift from the market;)

Now this is how it looks at the moment, filled with water and with light set. In the evening we'll add the filter, and then next week will go for our first fishes:)

See you in the next post;)

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Love, Inber

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