My favourite Cherry Blossom tree (Part 3)

Here's another look at my favourite tree that grows next door to me, I have watched the tree grow from when I first moved in here 28 years ago back in 1989, my 2 girls have grown up here so this place holds a lot of good memories.

Every year this tree blossoms beautifully and every year it gets bigger and more majestic. Its beautiful when its in full bloom but causes an absolute mess when Autumn comes round, with my garden being the nearest I get most of the cherry blossom leaves.

My first post:
My second post
Its amazing how quickly the tree blossoms.

The first picture I posted 3 weeks ago show the tree just starting to bud.

A week later I posted the tree again to show the massive difference.

I have taken a photo today, exactly a week later. Plus a little view of Mika having a sniff.

The difference in only 3 weeks is amazing, nature is such a beautiful thing to watch, now I don't leave the house very much I have more time time to notice what's going on around me.
The council have to keep coming to cut the branches away fro the top flat as it blocks out the window, They have been cutting down a few trees around my area, just hope this one isn't on there list or I might have to chain myself to it in protest.

Thank you son-of-satire

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