Duck, Duck, Super African Goose

The other day, I noticed an odd bird amongst the ducks. It was much larger, with a pronounced flap under its chin and a big ol' belly!


I was intrigued by it so I just took some pictures and videotaped the strange bird. The video is really cool too if you're into wildlife! During the video, you'll get to see him waddle around, vocalizing almost the whole time. When a plane flies overhead, you'll even get to see him poop. My husband and I are also intrigued and confused by the bird.

We spent a little more time with our buddy as he or she seemed very interested in being our friend and when I got home, I happily googled types of bird and found out my new buddy was a goose... a Super African Goose. Check out what I learned about him or her.

The flap under its chin called a dewlap. It's very pronounced. I learned that this bird is not native to Texas, so maybe someone purchased him for this particular neighborhood pond. If you watched the video, you can hear some construction in the background because of the rebuilding efforts after the flood. Either way, whether or not he was lost, he certainly has found friends with the ducks. The ducks really embraced the goose.

When my husband saw me researching the goose, he said, "Oh no! Are we going to end up with Super African Geese waddling around our yard?!"

Special Shoutout - Highlighting a Comment

So, because of a thought-provoking question from @alvinauh, I dug a little deeper and realize that the single Super African Goose is the perfect guard for my future alpaca herd!

goose 2.JPG

So to my dear husband,"Yes, we will end up with a Super African Goose waddling around in our yard." Thanks again, @alvinauh!

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A happy member of the @unmentionable family.

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